Trading Squadron


I have wiped my account and have started again but this time the only cash i can earn is through trading only. I will A Grade my ship (in this case my sidewinder) and then once fully upgraded move onto the next ship and A Grade that too...etc

Was wondering if there was a squadron dedicated to trading that is recruiting and would like another member?

give me a shout if you are.

Greetings CMDR!

We'd be happy to have you consider membership in AOD; we have many experienced players who would be eager to run trade missions with you! We own 6 systems and enjoy to profitably trade between the stations we own -- one you're allied in one you're allied in all, so it becomes very profitable. In addition to trading, we have players experienced in PVP, bounty hunting, mining, BGS manipulation, Thargoid hunting (bi-weekly group event), Guardian tech and exploration. As a group, we're anti-player murder and anti-player piracy -- we play as "the good guys." We work together, help our own and often lend a hand to others around the bubble in need.

For more information, check out our recruitment post or visit our clan website directly!

Fly safe CMDR
Hi, it is not solely what we are about as we do a bit of everything but trading and trade missions play a big part in our objectives to advance our faction so more dedicated traders are always welcome.

Octavian Vanguard is an up and coming Imperial squadron, all of our members play PC and are mature players mostly in their 30/40s from the UK. Our minor faction is currently expanding to a 3rd system.

As a dictatorship all the systems / stations we own have a far less restricted permitted trade item list compared to others, which allows for some profitable and legal trade opportunities in more exotic items banned in most other places.

Have a look at our Inara page for more information about us -
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Are you looking to wing trade or be with a group with lucrative trade routes? Sacra Oculus has the latter.

However there are 2 groups that will fit your needs. The Ceremonial Teabaggers are one group and they love to teabag at Community Goals and also teabag rares. Hutton Truckers of course will do everything for the mug and they do a lot of hauling.
thanks for the info and invites guys. How do i get hold of the Hutton Truckers?

do they have their own application page or is it just a matter of applying in-game?

If you are looking for an up and coming Player Faction on Elite Dangerous, you should look into the Leviathan Scout Regiment.

Born from a desire to remain an independent entity and retain control of its own affairs,the LSR maintains a democratic military-council as it's government. We are actively involved in Background Simulation, Community Goals, Power Play objectives, CQC, PVP, Exploration, Thargoids, Guardians, and with plans to participate in the Colonia Expansion Initiative, our faction has big plans moving forward and the Leviathan Scout Regiment is always looking for decent, hard-working CMDRs to join our cause and help make a name for ourselves out there.

Here is a link to our Inara Page. Please hit the "Join Wing" button, join our Discord, and submit an application to our in-game faction!

Fly Safe Commander!
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