Tranquilizing from the jeep

In JWE1 we had the ability to fire tranquilizer darts from the Rangers' jeep, and it was awesome! For what ? Because, sometimes it's easier to anesthetize a dinosaur from the jeep than from the helicopter (especially when it's small like a compy for example), and above all because it's more dangerous, and therefore more fun! I loved the thrill of having to shoot a Tyrannosaurus, and having it charge at me while I tried to put it to sleep. I think this would be extremely easy to do to develop them and would cost nothing. So please Frontier, for the next free update, give us back the tranquilizer shot from the jeep.
I was fine when it was limited to the JP era and from a gameplay perspective technically the heli makes breakouts more boring due to its air supremacy. If you have both though, it becomes redundant and while no one cares right now, it just trivializes the already lacking gameplay.
I really miss the ability to shoot tranquilizers from the ranger and MVU team, you had the means to be up close and the thrill of calming down a dinosaur that is within biting/ramming range was excellent.

It should at lease be a researchable item, where upon getting the ranger station and a few dinosaurs, you could research tranquilizers for the ranger team, and when you unlock the Medical station, you could unlock the means to use tranquilizers with the MVU via tranquilizers.
In real life rangers of National Parks in Afrika/Australia and USA use sometimes Helis for tranquilize big animals too, but for smaller animals, in reagions with many trees and when its simply to windy to fly or when it rains they operate with jeeps to do the job.
Another factor in real life is that using a Heli to catch an animal is muuuuuuucccccch more cost intensive than to hunt it on the ground with horses or jeeps.
In JWE II it could be helpfull when we can use jeeps to do our work, when storms make it impossible to fly the helis ;) !
I Don´t understand why we can´t get Rangers as Avatars for our FPV or in the Jeeps that Can use the Tranque-Rifle ???
This would be so epic to enjoy sandboxparks in FPV !
Even in JP timeline of JWE I we had the option to use the Tranque-Rifle from Jeeps !!!! ....Which was much more realistic for this timeline than the Helis that use Tranque-Rifles ;) !!!
No one would Tranque Compys from a Helicopter with a Tranque Rifle ;)
What Do You think ?
Any vehicle that enters an enclosure should have the ability to tranq, realistically.

I've been a lone advocate of the use of drones for periodic status checks. It makes sense to me. If this were real, and I were a park administrator, I'd never ask anyone to go into a Spinosaurus enclosure unless absolutely necessary.
Any vehicle that enters an enclosure should have the ability to tranq, realistically.

I've been a lone advocate of the use of drones for periodic status checks. It makes sense to me. If this were real, and I were a park administrator, I'd never ask anyone to go into a Spinosaurus enclosure unless absolutely necessary.
You have another very good piont that would make allmost no work for frontier and would give us new FPV gamplay ;) !
The Aviary drone can fly out of the aviaries , but than disapears when fly more than a few metres away from the borders of the aviary ! ..... If It would be allowed, at least in sandbox , to fly like the helis in the whole park, we could use it to tranque flying Pterosaurs and small dinosaurs from much shorter distances ;) !
Don't forget that the ability for Ranger teams to tranquilise dinos was added in a patch late in the games lifecycle.
Yes, but JWE II should have had this feature from the start for JP timline, because this ability for the Rangerteams was added extra for this in JWE I in the "Return to Jurassic Park-DLC" ( Expansion Pack) ;) !
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