Fellow Explorers,
I came up with an idea to try that I do not think anyone has done yet (or at least done so on a large scale). My idea is a time trial from Sol to a system that is exactly 50kLy away (at this point the exact system isn't important, just that it is exactly 50kLy away as the Photon flies). How fast can one travel 50kLy?
I would sit on this idea and try it by myself first, but there are a few hurdles:
1. My ideal galactic racer would be an Anaconda, for reasons of jump range and fuel capacity. I can't afford an Anaconda for at least another month, plus another two weeks to buy the modules I need.
2. I'm not sure if it is my internet, or the mediocre netcode, or the servers, but I seem to get an inordinate amount of "Connection to Transaction Server Lost" messages while in hyperspace travel. Some days are definitely worse than others. This nullifies my jump and I would waste valuable time relogging in and replotting my route.
3. Related to point number 2, I notice some of my jumps through hyperspace take longer than they should. Over time this would add up.
4. There may be a fix for this already, but I have no way of keeping track of time in transit (other than pen and paper, if I get serious about this I may go this route). I could use Steams in-game hour tracker but it is too inaccurate given the problems I may be facing. I'm not sure if Captain's Log or EDDiscovery has a time tracker, but if so this would help immensly. Such a tracker could also provide a standardized official time log.
Anyone want to give this a try? I will do so eventually, once I get the money. Or I'll cave and do it in an Asp just to get a baseline. My guess is that with a good race build, 1kLy per hour of game time is acheivable, assuming an average jump of 33Ly and 2 minutes per jump. 2 Minutes might be a high estimate for those with fast PCs or blazing internet connections which would reduce time spent in hyperspace.
Anyone have experience with anything like this? I think it could be fun. An alternate to cannonballing TO the system would be to take your time and explore normally to a given system then cannonball back into civilized space, for that ultimate homesick effect.
I came up with an idea to try that I do not think anyone has done yet (or at least done so on a large scale). My idea is a time trial from Sol to a system that is exactly 50kLy away (at this point the exact system isn't important, just that it is exactly 50kLy away as the Photon flies). How fast can one travel 50kLy?
I would sit on this idea and try it by myself first, but there are a few hurdles:
1. My ideal galactic racer would be an Anaconda, for reasons of jump range and fuel capacity. I can't afford an Anaconda for at least another month, plus another two weeks to buy the modules I need.
2. I'm not sure if it is my internet, or the mediocre netcode, or the servers, but I seem to get an inordinate amount of "Connection to Transaction Server Lost" messages while in hyperspace travel. Some days are definitely worse than others. This nullifies my jump and I would waste valuable time relogging in and replotting my route.
3. Related to point number 2, I notice some of my jumps through hyperspace take longer than they should. Over time this would add up.
4. There may be a fix for this already, but I have no way of keeping track of time in transit (other than pen and paper, if I get serious about this I may go this route). I could use Steams in-game hour tracker but it is too inaccurate given the problems I may be facing. I'm not sure if Captain's Log or EDDiscovery has a time tracker, but if so this would help immensly. Such a tracker could also provide a standardized official time log.
Anyone want to give this a try? I will do so eventually, once I get the money. Or I'll cave and do it in an Asp just to get a baseline. My guess is that with a good race build, 1kLy per hour of game time is acheivable, assuming an average jump of 33Ly and 2 minutes per jump. 2 Minutes might be a high estimate for those with fast PCs or blazing internet connections which would reduce time spent in hyperspace.
Anyone have experience with anything like this? I think it could be fun. An alternate to cannonballing TO the system would be to take your time and explore normally to a given system then cannonball back into civilized space, for that ultimate homesick effect.