Transfer Cargo?

So, I found a structure on a planet. Killed off the sentries, drove the SRV over and collected 2 of the cargo containers, then drove back to my ship to store them. However, there's no option now to transfer from my SRV to the ship. I have to actually BOARD the ship to move the cargo to my hold, then disembark again (with all the resulting animations and loading screens).

Am I missing something? How do I move cargo from my SRV to my ship without needing to board?
How about

On the right hand panel. Used to be on the MIDDLE panel, where you would board... and required a lot less clicking. Another fail for the new UI, but thanks for telling me where it is now.
On the right hand panel. Used to be on the MIDDLE panel, where you would board... and required a lot less clicking. Another fail for the new UI, but thanks for telling me where it is now.
I would say it's good change for consistency as we already use this button for transfering fleet carrier cargo and backpack items
and dont forget to confirm the transaction on the bottom of the same screen or nothing moves when you close the inventory tab
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