Transferring Ships

As I was thinking about the Fleet Ships that's coming out this December 2019, I realized and wondered about one thing: How will the ships be docked onto a fleet ship? When I buy a ship, either I have it transferred to the target station that I'm in using a transfer service or buy a shuttle (a Sidewinder) at the target station and go to the station that has the new ship, switch into the new ship, sell the shuttle and then fly the new ship to the target or home station.

But when it comes to a fleet ship or carrier, how can I transfer the ships onto it so that I can take them with me wherever I go?
What exactly do you expect as an answer? NOBODY KNOWS. Except a few people at FD who aren't going to tell us.

Better off using the suggestions forum for, you know, suggestions. Rather than asking how something works when nobody is going to give you an answer.
What exactly do you expect as an answer? NOBODY KNOWS. Except a few people at FD who aren't going to tell us.

Better off using the suggestions forum for, you know, suggestions. Rather than asking how something works when nobody is going to give you an answer.

You're right. It was a stupid question on the wrong part of the forum. Disregard.
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