Horizons Trapped in Unknown Permit System

I haven't played ED since about the end of January. Logging back in I find myself in system HD 41513 which apparently now requires an unknown permit (it obviously didn't need one back when I last played). Looking at the galaxy map I see I'm completely surrounded by systems that require an unknown permit. The nearest system I have found that doesn't require a permit is 182Ly away... oh dear.

My intention is to explore the system before logging a ticket but ED keeps crashing on me. I don't know if this is because of the fact I'm in a system I shouldn't be in or if its because I've moved to a triple screen setup using eyefinity since I last played ED. I suspect its the latter.
Not a great situation. This from the patch notes:


- Fixed several region permits not working, allowing players to enter restricted regions of space. This could result in some players finding themselves trapped in restricted space, unable to jump out, which will have to be handed on a case-by-case basis.
I haven't played ED since about the end of January. Logging back in I find myself in system HD 41513 which apparently now requires an unknown permit (it obviously didn't need one back when I last played). Looking at the galaxy map I see I'm completely surrounded by systems that require an unknown permit. The nearest system I have found that doesn't require a permit is 182Ly away... oh dear.

My intention is to explore the system before logging a ticket but ED keeps crashing on me. I don't know if this is because of the fact I'm in a system I shouldn't be in or if its because I've moved to a triple screen setup using eyefinity since I last played ED. I suspect its the latter.

Wow! Screen shots. Data ! Science! System Map. Planetary Landing. Signal Sources. Aliens. Have fun!
Nothing exciting found I'm afraid. Just a bunch of rocky moons orbiting a few gas giants etc. The usual run of the mill stuff. I'm not the first to have been here either as all planetary bodies have already been discovered.
Nothing exciting found I'm afraid. Just a bunch of rocky moons orbiting a few gas giants etc. The usual run of the mill stuff. I'm not the first to have been here either as all planetary bodies have already been discovered.

You could ask them to build you base so you are not alone.
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