Trick for finding Non Sequence Star Systems

I don't know if there are other threads about this, but I recently noticed something while exploring that has led me to a massive cluster of non-sequence stars. My focus had been finding Earth like systems and I realized there seemed to be a floating pixel on the screen. It was hard to tell at first if it was a dead pixel or not, but then it moved funny as I moved around. I'm sure this isn't a coincidence, but when I searched the galaxy map when I saw the floating pixel, there were a few non-sequence stars. As I continued my search, this happened continuously. Every time there was a floating pixel, there was a non-sequence star. This has led me to a major cluster of un-touched systems and is now the manner in which I'm exploring. So for any explorers out there looking for high price systems, this seems to be the best way I've found. Hope this helps.
Best way is to filter out all other stars using the settings. The "fields" of them seem to be most common within ~5000Ly from Sagittarius A*
During my dash home I've passed uncountable huge neutron-fields in the past 3 days. I'm below the plane (-1100 ly) on the fringe of the core. Look out for those "stellar-forge"-clusters that are strewn out throughout the core. Clusters, that are very full of blue or white A / B stars. Usually you will find hundreds of neutron-stars, black holes and white dwarfs there. You can even easily spot the black-holes in the unfiltered realistic map when zooming in.
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Yes, +/-1k Z is an under appreciated source of NS. If you use it to get to a "proper" NS field, you will probably have all the NS you wanted to begin with
Best way is to filter out all other stars using the settings. The "fields" of them seem to be most common within ~5000Ly from Sagittarius A*

Exactly. My filter is set for only NS systems. I stumbled into an area with seemingly countless systems and I've spent the last three days (probably close to 16 hours a day) only visiting these systems and the systems on my to the next NS, usually not more than 1 or 2 jumps. I'm still about 13k ly from Sag A.
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