Tried oculus today

So i took the boy to Manchester met uni open day today, just as i was walking out i noticed a stand with the dk1, no queue, so i had myself a little go (dinosaur island or something). oh bloody, bloody amazing and that was just the dk1. Now where to get 550 quid legally. Because i am having myself one of those babies.
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No matter what we all say until you experience ED in VR with a HOTAS, words just can't do it justice. Congrats on getting the VR virus though, there is no cure.
You are doomed as we all, but actually it was the best thing that happened to me in terms of gaming :) I hope you can raise the money!
You thought the DK1 was amazing? You'll be lost for words with the CV1 then. :)

Yep, pretty much everything is jaw dropping, none more so than watching New Africa rising on Mitterand Hollow in the Epsilon Indi system. You'll Think there actually is a god.
I must disagree, there is still a lot of issues to fix. Bought cv1 yesterday and must say the screen quality is terrible. I understand the limitations, but it still is disappointing, up close everything look ok, but further objects are just a mess.

On the other hand, I never had such an immersive experience in video game before. The sense of scale alone justify graphical downgrade, everything is so big! Except the pilot, he's so skinny.
I must disagree, there is still a lot of issues to fix. Bought cv1 yesterday and must say the screen quality is terrible. I understand the limitations, but it still is disappointing, up close everything look ok, but further objects are just a mess.

On the other hand, I never had such an immersive experience in video game before. The sense of scale alone justify graphical downgrade, everything is so big! Except the pilot, he's so skinny.

Hi Kvas,

Check out this thread if you haven't already ...

... basically if you download the Oculus Debug Tool, use it to turn pixels up to 2.0, then turn SS in game down to 0.65, you'll (hopefully) find that VR then looks like you imagined ...
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