Newcomer / Intro Trinkets of Hidden Fortune - how to obtain legal ones?

These incredibly rare items are illegal in many jurisdictions, but also the only way to get them seems to be from Piracy... or Salvage... both of which mean the canisters are marked "stolen".

Yet I've seen one carrier selling them listed on Inara a week or two ago... and on the commodity market, not the black market.

How do you reckon they got legal Trinkets?
It's dropped off Inara now but about 12 days ago there was a carrier selling them in or near Colonia, isn't stolen stuff / illicit market carrier stuff shown differently, not on the general "buy" screen?

The main reason I ask is that Trinkets are listed in carrier's normal commodity trading list, so you can sell them legally... rather than in the hidden stolen market, but why would it be there if it can never be got legally?
The commodity search tool on Inara lists them as Salvage. So maybe you can find them in certain types of Signal Sources or wreck sites?
The Wiki names one system where they can be pirated and two systems where they drop regularly (don't know what they mean by 'drop'). The page's comments also name a few systems.
Thanks, I think those systems are well out of date though I have found ships carrying them, but pirating the ships makes it "stolen"... Legal salvage is as rare as hens' teeth and when it does appear (at degraded Search & Rescue signal sources) it's usually very common stuff like Wreckage Components. I'll keep trying but to get such a rare item legally is probably going to take years of visiting salvage sites.
I vaguely remember, I think from the first year of the game, I had Trinkets of Hidden Fortune in my cargo hold. Maybe as a result of some kind of search or retrieval mission or so. I can't remember. Anyway, you got me interested I'm going to search for Trinkets tonight.

I went to Plendovii (mentioned in the Wiki) and searched everywhere scanning all transport ships... not a hint of Trinkets. :( I did find 131 tonnes Low Temperature Diamonds though and had fun in the local RESs and by interdicting Private Couriers etc. Good opportunity to top up on mats dropped by transport ships.
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Anyway, you got me interested I'm going to search for Trinkets tonight.
Yes, the quest has led me to some interesting places. Currently trying to get a permit to one of the two closest Anarchy systems to Shinrartra Dezhra, ruled by a faction with a megaship. I had some really easy ship-to-ship high-rep pirate assassinations but now they want me to do on-foot politician assassinations...
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