Tutorial level!!!


I've been really enjoying the beta, however I had one HUGE suggestion which I think will do worlds towards making the game easy to understand and use. I think that adding a tutorial level would be a major help.

My thoughts on what the level are resemble something similar to the tutorial level in Prison Architect, in which the game walks you, step-by-step, on how to build an execution chamber. It subliminally teaches the user the controls and introduces some of the less intuitive mechanics in the game (such as connecting utilities to rooms, etc).

I think that Planet Coaster would greatly benefit from such a level, because no matter how hard you try, the controls and mechanics can only ever be so intuitive, simply because you are using concepts that don't come natively to players. Maybe having the first thing that the user loads into (on first launch of the game) is a pre-designed park, and they need to build a coaster in a very specific way. Along the way, they're introduced with how to build tracks, how to use the height, length, and bank sliders, how to add triggers, and how to build structures in the game.

I hope it's not too close to launch day to implement this, since I think the only major pitfall the game has currently is un-intuitive controls and mechanics (through no fault of the developers, mind you! You guys did the best you could!)

Anyway thanks, and may your nausea rating forever be low!
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