UDP - Utopian Distribution and Protection LTD.

Ahoy lads,

I'm looking to build or be part of a PP group that features support for Pranav Antal
and furthers his goals.
I was thinking of a Diamondback Wing with scouting, transportation and Patrol duties.
Anyone interested?
If theres no group sided with Pranav, lets create one. The name was basically a 5 minute idea, just to get something to direct efforts better, apart from spamming the discussion forum.
Biggest benefit is the current Number 02 on the List SOKN
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CMDR Seamus Levine here! Me and my friends will be throwing in with Antal. I always loved an underdog. A few of us JUST restarted our characters so that we would have fresh records for power play but we will at the minimum have decked out Cobras by the weekend.
TS-Server for applicants:
Warp Gate Channel -> Polevnic (Elite Dangerous)
no pw
to get to know each other.

With friendly permission of CMDR Sir Boonami
Hey all,

This is exactly the group I've been looking for. I'm also pledged to Pranav!
If you want another ship to add to the fleet then message me CMDR Joth the Pestilent.
Hello. I'm a 3 day old newbie and have already pledged to Antal and have moved myself to his headquarters. I'd like to join my fellow Utopians in a group please! My in game name is Raftas, thank you.
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