UI Focus toggle please?

Short: I'd love a toggle option for the UI Focus, rather than just hold.

There's nothing more fun than the combination of ED, the Asp, a DK2 and an x52..... awesome!

I love zipping through a RES dodging asteroids and literally scanning the horizon for my next fight.....but that involves holding the UI Focus button, using a valuable joystick binding in the process.

Also, I've taken to trying acrobatic landings on space ports, coming at a pad from ridiculous angles and twisting/turning with thrusters to land on the pad, taking advantage of the Asp's amazing cockpit visibility to keep my eyes on the landing pad...... but again, it's made difficult by having to hold a UI focus button or have control panels obscuring my vision.

Please.... please.... help me get the most out of my astronautic AspyRifty experience and allow me to toggle the UI on/off!
CTRL+ALT+G i think... but thats disabling all the stuff not just the left+right panels
I´m not 100% sure of that keycombination, currently at work and cannot check
Short: I'd love a toggle option for the UI Focus, rather than just hold.

There's nothing more fun than the combination of ED, the Asp, a DK2 and an x52..... awesome!

I love zipping through a RES dodging asteroids and literally scanning the horizon for my next fight.....but that involves holding the UI Focus button, using a valuable joystick binding in the process.

Also, I've taken to trying acrobatic landings on space ports, coming at a pad from ridiculous angles and twisting/turning with thrusters to land on the pad, taking advantage of the Asp's amazing cockpit visibility to keep my eyes on the landing pad...... but again, it's made difficult by having to hold a UI focus button or have control panels obscuring my vision.

Please.... please.... help me get the most out of my astronautic AspyRifty experience and allow me to toggle the UI on/off!

Bind a toggle key for that action to you HOTAS via xpadder or key2joy.
Ah... That's interesting. Never thought of transforming a bind into a toggle!
I happen to use Autohotkey - I think I could map a joystick button to behave sorta like caps-lock. First button press would "hold down a key" which would be mapped to UI Focus. Second button press would release that key. And voila - a toggle! I'll give it a try!
Yep - so this works for Autohotkey, after mapping "u" to UI Focus Mode.
Interestingly, (maybe obviously), in UI Focus mode, many ship functions stop working, like Firing weapons for example. But, just toggle UI Focus back off and back to normal. I guess that makes sense. It's UI Focus, after all.

Hotkey, [[your joystick button]], ToggleUI
  if GetKeyState("u")
    Send {u up}
    Send {u down}
Opening the comms panel will prevent the side panels from opening. Kind of a workaround, but it does allow you to quickly get a proper look out of the Asp side windows.
well op, you're in luck. being that you have an X52 like myself, you can bind the precision slider to your UI focus and get the function you're lookin for. I set mine to the down position to hide panels and simlpy slide it up when you want them back. it's right there under your thumb so it's not a pain to operate. hope you find this helpful. on the subject of acrobatic flying, have you figured out how to make the asp stop on a dime?:cool:
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