Ukrainian or Russian language in Planet Zoo Console Edition

Hello dear Team Development Planet Zoo. I am writing this text taking into account the large number of Ukrainians who purchased Planet Zoo Console Edition. When I pre-ordered the game on PlayStation 5, it was in the top for pre-orders only in Ukraine. It just so happens that Ukrainian localization has just begun to gain popularity in the world, it’s a shame that it’s because of the ongoing war in Ukraine. On behalf of the Ukrainians, I would like to ask you to implement Ukrainian localization in Planet Zoo Console Edition, given that at this time, not everyone has the opportunity to visit zoos and enjoy the beautiful animals that are suffering in our country due to the war. Of course, I understand how much work this can be, so I have an alternative proposal. Historically, it so happened that Ukrainians, like many other peoples of the CIS countries, understand the Russian language. It would be nice to add it to Planet Zoo Console Edition, since it is already on the PC, and its implementation will clearly be a much simpler task than translating it from scratch. After all, playing in your native language, and even in at least an understandable one, leaves a person with much more pleasant emotions from the game, encouraging him to leave more hours in the game, show interest in this project, its future updates and other projects of the developer. And at the moment, unfortunately, there are people like me who know English at a basic level, and they have to use the help of a translator. I don’t know whether there will be any reaction or support for this proposal, but if it is implemented, a large number of the gaming community will remain grateful to you. Thank you if you read this.
I was very surprised that the console version does not have Russian. I wanted to buy the game on PlayStation 5, but the description did not contain Russian. It's strange why it wasn't transferred from the PC version. I completely agree with your message, I hope the developers will hear us.
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