Unable to unload cargo to fleet carrier.

Working fine for me transferred some limpets, Painite and Occupied Escape Pods.

So what are you having trouble transferring I wonder?
Working fine for me transferred some limpets, Painite and Occupied Escape Pods.

So what are you having trouble transferring I wonder?
Everything. I tried entering hanger and it worked. Once. Then never again.
Logging out to menu has worked for some. I have been logging to launcher as menu failed once.
Not worth the time to try menu and hope no fails.
Yep, still encountering this issue / bug. 🤨
On the positive side....the issue with ships leaving the larger space stations using the auto dock / auto launch (especially piloting the Cutter) seems to be better! :)

Jack :)
Some effort has been made to rectify the bug. Mostly successful, but occasionally it happens and less often.
There hasn't been a patch since this was reported, so no, no effort has been made to rectify it. You're just realising that it doesn't happen all the time - finally :)
You're just realising that it doesn't happen all the time - finally
I've found that it does, unfortunately, happen all the time at the moment. I normally play in horizons, so tried it in odyssey; same thing. Going to try different cargo; I've been transferring tritium; last run was way less than ship cargo capacity, but no, had to go back to main menu and re-enter game.
I've not had it happen for months - well before the OP spotted it in p17 (and yes, I've been using my FC a lot for storing Thargoid stuff and Transfer is working fine for me) 🤷‍♀️
I've found that it does, unfortunately, happen all the time at the moment. I normally play in horizons, so tried it in odyssey; same thing. Going to try different cargo; I've been transferring tritium; last run was way less than ship cargo capacity, but no, had to go back to main menu and re-enter game.

I've not had it happen for months - well before the OP spotted it in p17 (and yes, I've been using my FC a lot for storing Thargoid stuff and Transfer is working fine for me) 🤷‍♀️

I recently took an alt's FC (my granny's) out into the black - filling with 3H required a relog every time. Yesterday I was mining some and collected a bycatch of LTD - the LTD transferred to carrier without a hitch. (The 3H went into the "donations" bucket.)
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Do you think it might be stuff you collect transfers fine, but stuff bought from stations is not so fine? I'm going to give both another go :)
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