Thanks. I was thinking there must be a source for this salvage outside the power wreckages. I was settling nicely into the salvage thing until they ramped up the npc difficulty today. Now even in level 2 threat uss's 4 -6 ships are already there waiting and took my very engineered corvette's shields to 50% fast and then I only obtained 1 unit each of the 3 items available (pods, wreck and blackbox) Just not worth it for me now. Same as down and uploading data and taking out security enemies at settlements (which is my fav); the notoriety I gain from any real focus in doing this means that I cant sell mining rss later til the bloody notoriety bleeds off, not to mention that we can ONLY apply mining rss against the 1 if rss arent needed in the war effort against the rest of them. This game is awesome, truly yet the devs, it seems, bend over backwards to _____ it via restrictions almost at every junction.Try Power Wreckage USS (something like that) - scan the Nav Beacon to see them, or FSS if you are a maniac. They contain Escape Pods / Black Boxes / Wreckage that can be handed in via the Power contact. I struggled to find anywhere that would offer merits - but just tried a Control and that worked for all types of salvage that the Power contact offered.