Unisex hairstyles for avatar

This is a suggestion for Unisex hairs. I'm not sure if it would be possible or not, but given the look of the people's graphics I don't see it being too super hard to add the female hairs to the male list, and visa versa.

Reason for this suggestion:
I am a female in the process of becoming male, and there for I don't want the female body for my avatar, but none of the male hairs fit what my hair actually looks like. Female hair #8 is what my hair looks like in real life, and I believe would look good on the male body as well. Sorry if this bothers some people, but I think it could also help others stand out a bit as well when visiting other's zoos.

Just an idea though. Sorry if this has been suggested already. I did go looking and found another on the very last page.
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uhg please, I'm just not feminine but I am absoluly a woman... but being a woman isn't having /pretty hair/ so let me have short boyish hair.
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