Update 17.01 Release Schedule

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Senior Community Manager
Update17.01 Downtime.png

Greetings Commanders!

As 2023 begins its slow descent into oblivion and the dark shadow of 2024 rises from the abyss, we thought we would sneak in a quick update before the sands of time run out!

On Tuesday 12th December Live/4.0 servers will go offline from 8AM UTC to deploy Update 17.01. We anticipate they will be back online around 12PM GMT.

Here is the current release schedule (Please note these times are subject to change):
  • At Approximately 06:00 UTC - In game downtime warning messages will start COMPLETE
  • At Approximately 08:00 UTC - Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 servers will go offline. Update Notes will become available shortly after downtime begins COMPLETE
  • At Approximately 12:00 UTC - Elite Dangerous Live/4.0 servers will return and Update 17.01 will be available on PC COMPLETE

We will keep you informed of any changes or updates if they materialise on this plane of existence.
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