Update 2.2 Adds Variety, 2.3 Must Improve Multiplayer

Update 2.2 is shaping up to be great with much needed variety and quality of life improvements. However, it doesn't improve the shallow multiplayer, the lack of social interaction and simplistic NPC interactions. This must be improved in update 2.3 and 2.4.

Update 2.2 Plus Points

+ Adds lots of variety with new stations, station interiors, outposts, stuff to discover in space and on planets with hazards.
+ adds launchable fighters
+ many quality of life improvements
+ graphics improvements
+ passengers + passenger, tourist missions
+ ship and module transfer
+ better NPC portrait models

Minus Points

- doesn't improve multiplayer and social interaction
- No guilds, missions for wings, territory control, chat rooms, multi-crew = this would be the real game-changer.
- NPC encounters like interdictions are still too basic. We need multiple scenarios and interaction options with NPCs.
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