Usability and UI Features

I have some ideas, but i wonder how is it possible no one on Frontier themself find such easy enjoyable features as this.

- if i require the codes for the chests, boards etc from an terminal at a station. Why in gods name i have to input it into the field like an ape with 1 finger on each hand.
Why not require the code from the terminal when i browse the buildings? Why i cant have beside Hack, Use, the correct code placed into the field and with a single button i can open it.
Is it that hard 3300 and later to have such incredible tec. So i went to cut every board open, i have the code, but the panel is unusable.

- The target items in SRV to pick them up is super anyoing, especially because it forces me to vomit on my keyboard. This forward, backward driving, target rinse and repeat is such a pain.

- There are many small features that would be so enjoyable and make it more fun to play... Partly they are so obvious and in my eyes super easy to implement. (Yea im a dev)

Is it just me or are there many other small ideas which would make it more fun. I'd like to have a useable codepanel instead of 1 FPS more =) i know many have frame issues... but its just a comparison.
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