Horizons Utterly unplayable for me.

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I loved this game. Until now. 2 hours into the game since the update and I have lost three ships. My Asp went twice to a Cutter which mass locks me so I can't get away and once to a Python with super weapons accompanied by two fighters. All three times I hadn't even reached the destination of the mission and had NO CARGO on board. I have used this same Asp for missions since I first bought it and not until today has this ship ever been a liability.

The amount of interdictions have been ludicrous and I do not think it is the same game at all. Where can I download the old game please?

I didn't play this game for the combat, (I realise most do) it doesn't interest me and neither does the arms race which the crafting side of this will become. It was a great immersive game, it's now just another space shooter.

Sad, I really was enjoying it too.

I'm not sure this is about the difficulty of the AI.
Perhaps its about the frequency of the interdictions?

NPC have tried to interdict me too, but I used the common procedures too escape. No problem so far.
I'm in a trade Cutter with relatively weak trading shields and D thrusters.

What was really different though where the types of ships that interdicted me.
No more sideys, Vipers, Asps etc. of lowly rank, but only Elite Anacondas and FDL pirates on my trade route.
I like it. I'm much less complacent now :).

I need to rethink my outfitting now. I might just as well remove my weapons completely, because my shields won't hold against powerful pirates of that level anyway.
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I loved this game. Until now. 2 hours into the game since the update and I have lost three ships. My Asp went twice to a Cutter which mass locks me so I can't get away and once to a Python with super weapons accompanied by two fighters. All three times I hadn't even reached the destination of the mission and had NO CARGO on board. I have used this same Asp for missions since I first bought it and not until today has this ship ever been a liability.

The amount of interdictions have been ludicrous and I do not think it is the same game at all. Where can I download the old game please?

I didn't play this game for the combat, (I realise most do) it doesn't interest me and neither does the arms race which the crafting side of this will become. It was a great immersive game, it's now just another space shooter.

Sad, I really was enjoying it too.

a Cutter which mass locks me so I can't get away

Don't waste your time trying to go to supercruise. Hyperspacing to another star has no mass-disruption factor at all. Pick a nearby star and escape.

The amount of interdictions have been ludicrous

Check the SYSTEM SECURITY level in the "System Map". Look for High Security systems. Avoid Low Security systems. In particular, avoid populated Anarchy systems, as those have hostile interdiction rates that are sky-high. Also, in High Security systems, police ships will arrive very promptly if you are attacked; just make sure "Report Crimes Against Me" option is ON under right panel FUNCTIONS tab.

Sad, I really was enjoying it too.

Learn New Things; How to use hyperspace instead of frame-shift jump to supercruise to avoid mass-disruption. How to look at every system's Security Level, and know what that means in terms of police response, presence (and possibly rating) of hostiles.
a Cutter which mass locks me so I can't get away

Don't waste your time trying to go to supercruise. Hyperspacing to another star has no mass-disruption factor at all. Pick a nearby star and escape.

The amount of interdictions have been ludicrous

Check the SYSTEM SECURITY level in the "System Map". Look for High Security systems. Avoid Low Security systems. In particular, avoid populated Anarchy systems, as those have hostile interdiction rates that are sky-high. Also, in High Security systems, police ships will arrive very promptly if you are attacked; just make sure "Report Crimes Against Me" option is ON under right panel FUNCTIONS tab.

Sad, I really was enjoying it too.

Learn New Things; How to use hyperspace instead of frame-shift jump to supercruise to avoid mass-disruption. How to look at every system's Security Level, and know what that means in terms of police response, presence (and possibly rating) of hostiles.

This and un-pledge if you were doing powerplay.
I loved this game. Until now. 2 hours into the game since the update and I have lost three ships. My Asp went twice to a Cutter which mass locks me so I can't get away and once to a Python with super weapons accompanied by two fighters. All three times I hadn't even reached the destination of the mission and had NO CARGO on board. I have used this same Asp for missions since I first bought it and not until today has this ship ever been a liability.

The amount of interdictions have been ludicrous and I do not think it is the same game at all. Where can I download the old game please?

I didn't play this game for the combat, (I realise most do) it doesn't interest me and neither does the arms race which the crafting side of this will become. It was a great immersive game, it's now just another space shooter.

Sad, I really was enjoying it too.

Empty kettles make the most noise! Learn to escape!..get some advice from 777Driver, he's an expert in running..or a coward as they are also known! No I'm joking..he's just spent a lot of time in trading ships & knows the ropes better than anyone!
I agree, Totally unplayable, When a Cobra can take out a conda in the than 30 sec.
Pointless, all those hours playing a great game then this happens. What a shame.
Don't understand how people having trouble... I'm in a B rated python, and have been faming bounties like usual since last night. Only ran into trouble when I got ganked by another python, and 4 fed assault ships in a wing. Even then, I still managed to escape...
I loved this game. Until now. 2 hours into the game since the update and I have lost three ships. My Asp went twice to a Cutter which mass locks me so I can't get away and once to a Python with super weapons accompanied by two fighters. All three times I hadn't even reached the destination of the mission and had NO CARGO on board. I have used this same Asp for missions since I first bought it and not until today has this ship ever been a liability.

The amount of interdictions have been ludicrous and I do not think it is the same game at all. Where can I download the old game please?

I didn't play this game for the combat, (I realise most do) it doesn't interest me and neither does the arms race which the crafting side of this will become. It was a great immersive game, it's now just another space shooter.

Sad, I really was enjoying it too.

For what its worth I completely agree. I once loved the combat, and was decent enough at in PVE. But I dont have time in real life to train as a space fighter pilot. I simply dont.

Not do I have the inclination to grind relentlessly for the new Engineer stuff that it seems ALL OF the AI pilots are using. (Way to force our hands there, FDev). The new AI is so hard that playing the game is simply no longer fun. Fortunately, I had already decided to wait on Season 3 when it becomes available. Now it looks like I will just be moving on entirely.
played for an hour got killed three times, I don't know how to, is it " get good??" in english because is easy when you already are smarmy pri**
I've done 2 hours of grinding to use my 1st Engineer. After collecting 1 Phosperous & 1 Sulphur after the RNG and collecting tons of others in that time also, I push the button on the Casino RNG only to find +2% in Weapons but -9% on all other items. This was a whole waste of money, time and anticipation. You go to the "illusive" engineer only to find it takes you 10 to 20mins only to drop out of Orbital Jump. Once there you find it packed with players and hope non are there to kill you for the loz! FD - you totally crapped on us with your update!
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Remember that missions don't have rank restrictions any more (the rank level is a difficulty guide only), so be careful you are not taking elite missions unless you are properly kitted out, or might require being winged up.
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1- I love your profile pic. So much truth.
2- power play is completely useless now. The fact that I'm empire has made this update a disaster for me.
3- <un-needed>
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I'm a nearly new player, maybe 150 hours, solo mode only. Lot to learn. I was finally making some progress visiting a few easy RES in the Greila system (allied with the Federation) with NPC pirates, etc. Worked my way "up to" a Viper Mk IV with A/B-rated kits. I only had issues with larger ships, wings, etc., but learned to punch out without being killed. Knock on wood in 6 weeks now.

That is until tonight after this 2.1 patch. Now I can't even approach any RES without being suddenly and with overwhelming power and speed performed by NPC ships like Eagles, Vultures and even SideWinders. 4A Shields are sucked down in 2-3 seconds before I even have a chance to realize what's going on and I'm forced to run for my life taking hull severe hull damage. Last time I heard "impulse attack" and my Thrusters were gone in 2 seconds having no ability to even turn around.

Saying again, I'm not an experienced player yet and if this keeps up I won't be. I have enjoyed the combat as it was before with some degree of success...but after reading this thread I'm totally disillusioned with these new AI settings or whatever. I don't have a corvette or any other higher end ship and at this rate I have no chance earning enough credits with the limited time I have to play computer games with my stupid job and all.

This was the BEST game I've ever played and looked forward to with a suitable mix of challenge and reward. Maybe it's appropriate for Star Players (if you think or actually are one more power to you), but what about new players like me? How many new CMDRs will be disillusioned and abandon this game like I may have to do? The learning curve of this game was already considerable as it was. I don't care about Engineers and other features like the pointless "approach control" voice chatter that has yet to yield any actionable or remotely useful information and frankly boring after the second time.

Virtually every other game on the market has some kind of a "Difficulty" setting to accommodate beginners and advanced players alike. It seems FD had set the ED base setting to "Nightmare."

I hope FD at some point resets this game-balance to somewhat close to what it was. What was wrong with it???

Anyway, sorry for the rant. It was fun while it lasted...
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