Virtual bugs

So, didn't really want to do this but it seems these issues are not being sorted so official confirmation as to whether they're even on a list would be nice:
Commodities screen not curved (I can't believe this is supposed to be this way)
Map sidebar at stupid angle (also 'snap to' caret when using the mouse in galaxy / system map would be really handy)
- Also system orrery (but that's nothing to do with VR)
Weird planet textures disappearing at periphery of vision
Changing UI with external hacks means no green friendlies / red hostile's on radar, messed up NPC pictures and menu colours
The insane distant flickering, managed to minimise it with settings but the issue is still there.

So come on Frontier Developers, make some noise, even if it's 'shut up, we have more urgent issues we're dealing with and we'll get to them when we can, but we are aware of them and they are on a list'. Cheers for a great game tho', I bought the Rift solely on the strength of this game and I reckon Oculus probably owe you a small percentage of their profits.

PS: Rear view cam desired :)
also 'snap to' caret when using the mouse in galaxy / system map would be really handy[/I]

Unless you use your mouse and keyboard to play the game, ditch the mouse for the galaxy map and map it to your controller of choice.

Even keyboard buttons are better then a mouse.
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Yea, got it mapped to my HOTAS, but the mouse is directly next to my joystick and is easy to use blind and the maps seem faster when using the mouse - more a preference than a bug really.

I forgot one too... The popup virtual screens in the AspX and SRV are badly placed. They're perfect in the Imperial Courier (and too useful to disable).
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