Virtually Body-Conscious

I've always enjoyed the way that, just by putting on my Oculus headset and firing up E: D, I can possess a level of toned, buff fitness that has eluded me for some years now in RL. Yesterday, I went one step further and set my pilot gender to female.

I feel strangely transgressive, flying around the galaxy, virtually cross-dressed.

Does anyone else here feel the same? Or am I just weird? (my wife assures me it is the latter, and she adds "also a bit pitiful")

[disclaimer: I intend only a bit of light-hearted chit-chat here; no disrespect or insensitivity is intended to anyone in the Trans(*) community - and if anyone does feel this is not something they want to see on the forum, please do let me know, and I'll redact accordingly]
I also have Female pilot, but am male commander. I look at this as directing an avatar not me in ship.
Besides Female commander cute.
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I've always enjoyed the way that, just by putting on my Oculus headset and firing up E: D, I can possess a level of toned, buff fitness that has eluded me for some years now in RL. Yesterday, I went one step further and set my pilot gender to female.

I feel strangely transgressive, flying around the galaxy, virtually cross-dressed.

Does anyone else here feel the same? Or am I just weird? (my wife assures me it is the latter, and she adds "also a bit pitiful")

[disclaimer: I intend only a bit of light-hearted chit-chat here; no disrespect or insensitivity is intended to anyone in the Trans(*) community - and if anyone does feel this is not something they want to see on the forum, please do let me know, and I'll redact accordingly]
Never thought about that but I'll give it a shot when I get home :) I do feel really tiny though, character model is a hobbit.
I too enjoy the buffness enhancement. Glad to hear I'm not the only one.

I'd not thought about going transgender but now you have put the idea into my head I think it would be rude not to try!

I already own the Ally Mcbeal box set and have some smelly candles so giving myself         sounds rather high risk... But I'll never know until I try it :D
I was actually thinking about how much more important character creation will be for VR because of this. It so happens that the body is close enough to mine to feel correct, but I've certainly heard many people grumble about the body being too small for them, which negated presence. It used to be that character creation, for most (besides an obsessive few) would be an after thought, but for a game like Elite people might need to seriously consider their dimensions when designing a character from here on out.

And of course as this topic outlines, there is certainly some curiosity to exploring other body types, perhaps even gameplay possibilities in relation to height and reach.

But most of all, male body is best
I was actually thinking about how much more important character creation will be for VR because of this. It so happens that the body is close enough to mine to feel correct
That's my experience too. And since I'm using a 'gaming' chair and an x52 controller, my RL body position is pretty similar to my avatar's. To the extent that when virtual me lets go of the controller and stretches his (or her, as the case may be) fingers, I don't really feel right until I've replicated the gesture. Weird, or what?!

As for avatar and player gender - do let's try to discuss it without objectifying men, women or small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri ... but I'd be interested to hear a view from the other half of the human race about whether they prefer to switch to a female avatar, or stick with the (default) male one. And why is 'male' the default setting anyway?
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That's my experience too. And since I'm using a 'gaming' chair and an x52 controller, my RL body position is pretty similar to my avatar's. To the extent that when virtual me lets go of the controller and stretches his (or her, as the case may be, her) fingers, I don't really feel right until I've replicated the gesture. Weird, or what?!

As for avatar and player gender - do let's try to discuss it without objectifying men, women or small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri ... but I'd be interested to hear a view from the other half of the human race about whether they prefer to switch to a female avatar, or stick with the (default) male one. And why is 'male' the default setting anyway?

Darn you!.... now I want to be a small furry creature from Alpha Centuri cmmdr.

My Avatar has always been female, since the BETA. I don't even remember changing it or if i even did but when I got my DK2 I looked down, saw breasticles I laughed my head off and left it.

Now I can't imagine changing it. That's just my character in the game.... and if I ever want a laugh I just look down and see I've got lady bumps or step away from my chair and see I'm also headless and then have that isn't VR amazing discombobulated feeling.

Nothing weird about it except since I've started playing I do seem to have bought more shoes than I used to...

I might change it when full character creation happens. For me that will be huge step forward in personalising the way I play the game.
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The weird thing with this thread is I called the slightly pointy things that human babies feed off that women have, what they are actually called... as in what you might ask a butcher for when buying every part of a chicken other than legs and wings and I got censored. But y and boobies are ignored. Weird FDEV!
The weird thing with this thread is I called the slightly pointy things that human babies feed off that women have, what they are actually called... as in what you might ask a butcher for when buying every part of a chicken other than legs and wings and I got censored. But y and boobies are ignored. Weird FDEV!

Probably because they're all closet pervs flying around cross-dressed in their Co-bras as well :D
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