VR Nimble Sense

So I was playing Elite Dangerous using my DK2 and a Hotas set up. I had a hard time navigating in the galaxy map so I wanted to type in a name of my destination. It was then that I realized that I had to take off the oculus rift to do so. So I did just that and it worked just fine. Once I reached my destination I took a moment to admire my cockpit. it was at that moment that I noticed the beautiful keyboard residing on my left. Then i looked at the buttons on the side of my in game virtual joystick. Then i thought about oculus acquisition of nimble. That's when I thought, with the nimble, and still using a real world joystick and thruster, you could let go of your thruster, and tap a virtual button to activate that keyboard, on your left. And be able to use the virtual buttons for extra stuff you can't map on you hotas. So in my vision, you would hit one of those buttons and that virtual keyboard would swivel to your lap, and you can use that to send a message in game instead of taking the rift off. So what do you guys think about also using the nimble in Elite Dangerous?
I agree the Nimble looks superior to the Leap Motion, (which, IMHO, is *terrible* for hand-tracking,) but as it has yet to launch, and is lesser known, it's difficult to justify development with such a small target audience. Still, it would be great.
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