Want Titan X Pascal Performance For Less? (GTX 1080 Ti)

A 1080 right now is able to run Elite VR (and indeed other titles) on such settings that any further graphics horsepower will result in extremely diminished visual quality improvements as we've really maxed out what the CV1 panel can offer.
And that's without OCing the 1080 and without the new TW technique
A 1080 right now is able to run Elite VR (and indeed other titles) on such settings that any further graphics horsepower will result in extremely diminished visual quality improvements as we've really maxed out what the CV1 panel can offer.
And that's without OCing the 1080 and without the new TW technique

Well, ASW is and never was intended to be needed if you can reach native 90fps.
ASW for less powerful cards are wonderful boon, far improving on a garbage, ghosting image they once had.

ASW, is great. But I really needed to use it :p

And knowing nvidia, it's probably not going to be that much less, maybe $100-$150 or so.
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GTX 1080 rocks

GTX 1080 Ti will be announcing in January next year. Fewer CUDA cores than the Titan X-P but same stats otherwise. That will rock in VR. I'm gonna wait for the MSI Gaming version, but others may not have my patience.



My ability to be objective is limited because of my 60 Hz monitor and lack of VR but my recently installed GTX1080 FTW is purring along at 60 FPS and buttery smooth with all graphics settings cranked up to "ultra" @ 1920 x 1080 [up]. Looking forward to getting either a nice, 4K monitor or VR kit soon.
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A 1080 right now is able to run Elite VR (and indeed other titles) on such settings that any further graphics horsepower will result in extremely diminished visual quality improvements as we've really maxed out what the CV1 panel can offer.
And that's without OCing the 1080 and without the new TW technique

What about when Vive 2 of Rift 2 is released? I'm holding off Vive for now and concentrating ££ firepower on 1080Ti for this reason.
A 1080 right now is able to run Elite VR (and indeed other titles) on such settings that any further graphics horsepower will result in extremely diminished visual quality improvements as we've really maxed out what the CV1 panel can offer.
And that's without OCing the 1080 and without the new TW technique

I dunno, I think the 1080 will have a much shorter lifespan than say the 970/980's did.

My Titan XP struggles to maintain 60FPS on most games in 4K and ASW frequently kicks in when playing ED in VR.

Now I'm left wondering if I should have waited for a maybe an EVGA SC 1080ti but I suppose if you always waited for the next best thing, you'd be waiting eternally. May as well just enjoy what you can afford now and accept you're going to suffer a financial loss every time you upgrade.

Frustrating innit!
I dunno, I think the 1080 will have a much shorter lifespan than say the 970/980's did.

That one made my mind boggle: they made a HUGE jump in manufacturing size, performance, and power. It's something some of use have been waiting literal YEARS for. The old architecture was beaten into the ground. . .they really had nowhere else to go.

But now. . .now we're back to incremental updates for the next 4-6 years, ESPECIALLY without any competition to speak of. The next generation of headsets may have a wider FoV, but I wouldn't count on them having "retina" class displays for at least another few years due to how insanely pixel dense the screens already are. To get them to the point of retina with a 5" distance between eye and screen is. . . . . problematic.

Of course part of me hopes you're wrong, but as the contented owner of a GTX 1080, an extra 5-10% per year isn't going to make anyone rush out to buy a new card every year. . . and statistically that's probably the kind of upgrades we're talking for awhile.
It's all lies, lies I say! My Titan Pascal is still going to be the best - that is why I paid ridiculous amounts of green bills to get me one. Top of hill, I'm... top...... *goes to cry in a corner*
That one made my mind boggle: they made a HUGE jump in manufacturing size, performance, and power. It's something some of use have been waiting literal YEARS for. The old architecture was beaten into the ground. . .they really had nowhere else to go.

But now. . .now we're back to incremental updates for the next 4-6 years, ESPECIALLY without any competition to speak of. The next generation of headsets may have a wider FoV, but I wouldn't count on them having "retina" class displays for at least another few years due to how insanely pixel dense the screens already are. To get them to the point of retina with a 5" distance between eye and screen is. . . . . problematic.

Of course part of me hopes you're wrong, but as the contented owner of a GTX 1080, an extra 5-10% per year isn't going to make anyone rush out to buy a new card every year. . . and statistically that's probably the kind of upgrades we're talking for awhile.

You're quite right but also remember the advancement in graphics has ramped up probably faster than the rate of GPU power, especially with 4K coming into the mainstream a bit more. 8K etc also won't be too long coming
I don't see how this is related to ED VR in any way lol, but since i said that, i might also say that I have GTX 1080 GamingX and i can play ED in 4k ultra ... so anything more than 1080 would be overkill. Ok i have surface thingy in mid somewhere, that surface loading and very rarely i get lag spikes down to 40-50fps, but 96% of the time i have stable 60fps.

VR works perfectly fine too, stable 90fps with VR ultra settings.

Also I always have ShadowPlay in shadow mode (meaning that it records 24/7). Give it 5 more years and graphics card upgrades for 1080p will be useless. In fact my old GTX 980 HoF can already run anything in 1080p ultra ... forget 1080p, i was playing in 1440p most of the time, but it was struggling with 4k in most games.
IMHO waiting for the 'next gen' in a continually evolving technology is self defeating. It will cost you more to wait for this. A good pc setup now with a 1080 works very well for the price and can be very immersive. When you get around to buying the gen 2 hmd's/gpu's, I'll be preparing for jumping from gen1 to gen 3.
If you really want VR do it now - its good!!
What about when Vive 2 of Rift 2 is released? I'm holding off Vive for now and concentrating ££ firepower on 1080Ti for this reason.

By the time Rift 2 releases you'll have the next gen of GPUs. Oculus has been clear that they don't commit to even an annual info update on even the status of their next HMD. I do not believe it'll be sooner than end of 2017 that we'll get a Rift 2.

I suspect HTC will have the same release window.

I can't say whether a 1080Ti will be enough for a Rift 2. We just don't know what the exact resolution will be. I hope we get to PPDs close to that of a 1440p panel per eye. In that case a 1080Ti will certainly not be enough to power it at it's native res.

I dunno, I think the 1080 will have a much shorter lifespan than say the 970/980's did.
My Titan XP struggles to maintain 60FPS on most games in 4K and ASW frequently kicks in when playing ED in VR.

If you can run ED at 1.5/2 SS and high settings and stay within the reasonable TW range - then there's nothing more you can ever want out of that hmd panel - you've maxed it.

Now I'm left wondering if I should have waited for a maybe an EVGA SC 1080ti but I suppose if you always waited for the next best thing, you'd be waiting eternally. May as well just enjoy what you can afford now and accept you're going to suffer a financial loss every time you upgrade.

Yea you could have saved some money. I have the same dilemma now but I think I'll hold off on buying a titan.

8K etc also won't be too long coming

Affordable 8K gaming ? 5 years min. Going mainstream - 10 years. That's a long way off.
Too expensive, so will be sticking with the custom 970 I have. It does a good job at 3440x1440 and in all honesty, nVidia's prices (compounded by the post-Brexit fall in the value of Sterling) are just daft. I can afford such a card but won't spend that kind of money on one, I baulked at £500 for a 780Ti which lasted just over a year before giving up the ghost.

And if you need a £1k graphics card for smooth 4K then 4K is still a way off mainstream IMO so as ghcannon pointed out, 8K is a long way off.
a bump to that thread : Nvidia announced they are finished with the Pascal GPU family.
We will most likely not see a 1080Ti. Now I have to reconsider the Titan I suppose
huh ... good question. I read it in a (serious) website I frequent, but they didn't post a url to the article there. I'll ask for it

The announcement supposedly happened in front of investors on their annual mandatory financial review meeting. They didn't outright say there won't be a 1080Ti, but a "finished family" is sure to mean just that.
huh ... good question. I read it in a (serious) website I frequent, but they didn't post a url to the article there. I'll ask for it

The announcement supposedly happened in front of investors on their annual mandatory financial review meeting. They didn't outright say there won't be a 1080Ti, but a "finished family" is sure to mean just that.

Does make sense though, the 1080, as is, cost just as much, if not more than the 980ti did, and it would subvert the demand for the titan.
At least for gamers.

And what would it truly offer, a bit more ram? Couple of clocks faster?

I'm waiting for next gen anyways.
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