War influence?

Sorry if this has already been asked elsewhere, I did a quick search and couldn't find answers to the specific questions I had about this.

Is influence awarded on killing an enemy ship in a CZ, or when you turn in bonds? Do victories where one side retreats award war influence to the victor on win, or when someone turns in the bonus bind on that?

Second, if bond is the answer to either question above, does the game keep track of how much you earned in each system at war individually, or does it put it all in a pile that that awards influence at whatever system in war you turn bonds in at, regardless of where you got them?

Also, does killing enemy ships in a CZ immediately cause a drop in that faction's war influence, irregardless of bonds and such?
In addition to the above, the influence of the factions at war (or civil war or elections) will be locked for the duration of the conflict. You won't see any influence movement until the end of the war, which is once one faction has won the majority of 7 days or it ends in a draw. You will win by successfully completing more combat zones than your enemy. The high, medium, low ratings do apply some weighting but you can be pretty successful even if you mostly fly medium or low because you can often complete more CZs overall. Ground CZs in Odyssey are quite fast when compared with the space CZs, so if your team has Odyssey and can stand playing it for extended durations, I recommend using those. As far as I can tell, they count the same as space CZs. On the other hand, those space massacre missions can make you a lot of money (has anyone checked to see if foot kills count for the space massacre missions? 🤔 ). Combat bonds will count for where they are earned, regardless of where you turn them in, except if you hand them into interstellar factors. Then they don't matter. It's hard to tell if the total amount of bonds matters or if it's all counted the same past some minimum threshold so prioritize winning CZs over earning bonds.
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