Water World hunting

So I decided on my 4th trip into the black to try and go on a mainly ELW and water World hunt. I hopped out about 12k ly and then start cherry picking my search. I tried to target as many terraformables as I could without wasting a lot of time outside those bands. This all happened during GenCon and 3 of us had computers in the hotel, all exploring. Was a grand time, Convention during the day and gaming at night. I may have gotten myself on a few KOS list for Cherry picking but hey, that’s life. Sorry Ziggy <g>

40,356,351 cr
Pioneer 12%
Systems 4002
scans 5221

73,253,161 cr
Pioneer 37%
Systems 5,133
Scans 7,798

Total ELW's

Total Water Worlds

Gas Giants WBL

Gas Giants AML

Water Giants

Am Worlds

I intended to stay out until I earned enough for Elite. Just started to get bored, decided to come back grab a Python and do some trade/combat before setting out for the Green jacket and secrete handshake.

Few pic's I liked

This one almost melted me

EliteDangerous32 2015-08-08 16-31-56-80.jpg

Couple of earth likes, one with rings

EliteDangerous32 2015-07-27 17-46-40-32.jpg
EliteDangerous32 2015-07-26 14-04-01-88.jpg

Just hanging out in the rings of some s-hole
EliteDangerous32 2015-07-19 08-03-09-76.jpg
Going to take a little break from exploring for the green jacket. Decided I would do some trading for a bit. Parked the Asp and picked this up from my profits. I thought the paint scheme was appropriate due to stealing some water worlds this last trip.

EliteDangerous32 2015-08-10 18-03-06-02.jpgEliteDangerous32 2015-08-10 18-08-43-56.jpg
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