General / Off-Topic We need a tribute to Cecil The Lion in the game

Should Frontier rename a station in honour of Cecil The Lion?

  • ROAR!!!!

    Votes: 18 52.9%
  • A lion? RUN AWAY!!!!

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • It's the circle of life, and it moves us all ....

    Votes: 6 17.6%
  • It's coming right for us, SHOOT IT!!!!

    Votes: 8 23.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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We've had tributes to Leonard Nimoy and Terry Pratchett. There are also already stations named after people like George Lucas and Abraham Lincoln.

I request, nay DEMAND, in my self-entitled hyper-inflated egotistical self-importance, that Frontier name a station after Cecil The Lion.

Never has a wild animal been so loved, so adored as he since Elsa in the 60's. That I had never heard of this magnificent creature until two days ago is beside the point, we must honour his memory by naming a station after him. I also would like a huge statue inside the station that bites the cockpit off any ships that come too close. This statue must be made out of Sothis Gold to reflect (literally) Cecil's shining golden fur.

And because we don't have enough pointless polls, I have created a poll to show Frontier that this is the will of the people.
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As sad as it it to hear about Cecil the ex-lion, he's not very 'spacey'... At least to my knowledge. I could be wrong on that of course.
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Honestly not trying to sound rude or heartless, (more blunt really) but no we don't. It's just 1 lion with a name who you didn't even realize existed until after the "incident". There are plenty of nameless ones that suffer the same, having a name doesn't really change how horrible poaching is (as well as sport hunting).
Plus a lion really has nothing to do with a video game about space ships. At least Nemoy had a background in sci fi and space and was widely known and idolized for a very long time.
As sad as it it to hear about Cecil the ex-lion, he's not very 'spacey'... At least to my knowledge. I could be wrong on that of course.

Honestly not trying to sound rude or heartless, (more blunt really) but no we don't. It's just 1 lion with a name who you didn't even realize existed until after the "incident". There are plenty of nameless ones that suffer the same, having a name doesn't really change how horrible poaching is (as well as sport hunting).
Plus a lion really has nothing to do with a video game about space ships. At least Nemoy had a background in sci fi and space and was widely known and idolized for a very long time.
You might want to read my post again ... I think you missed something. :D
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No. We do not need to name anything after a lion.

edit. you cheated... lol editing your op as I was posting... ;)
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The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein relatively unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to accurately evaluate their own ability level. Conversely, highly skilled individuals may underestimate their relative competence, erroneously assuming that tasks that are easy for them are also easy for others.[URL=""][URL=""][[/URL]1[/URL]] [SIZE=3] Now let us discuss actual wit and satire; "in my self-entitled hyper-inflated egotistical self-importance,"[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=3]The point of satire is to actually appear like the person you are criticizing, in order to illustrate the wider flaws in their argument. By including both an admission you think they're "self-important" (as if "entitlement" wasn't an equally lazy, ill educated authoritarian meme in of itself) which of course they never would say themselves, as well as not actually making the argument as it is presented by those who believe in it (Real world titans of history, and science fiction authors who themselves were dedicated fans of the original Elite, like Terry Pratchet are clearly not the same as a lion, no matter how beloved) you sir are not expressing the wit that you fail to realise you don't have, but rather proving the Dunning Kruger effect.[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Thus in order to prove your actual talents, I suggest you go out into Open Play, leave some Imperial Slaves floating outside of a space station as bait, and then shoot a new player in a Sidewinder with a rail gun from a huge distance away; then post the screenshots of them dying on these forums to illustrate your manliness. Now [I]that[/I] is satire. [/SIZE]
I have never even heard of Cecil the Lion until all the bleeding hearts began making a big deal over it.....

Nothing in nature dies of old age. It either starves to death, thrists to death, freezes to death, falls off of something high, dies of disease or it gets eaten by something bigger.... If anything Cecil died quicker this way than any of the alternatives.
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You might want to read my post again ... I think you missed something. :D
PFFFFFT sorry it's 8 am for me and I have yet to sleep :p

Let this be a lesson kids, sleep deprivation turns you into an oblivious fool

*but in my defense it was a bit too subtle
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The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein relatively unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than is accurate. This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to accurately evaluate their own ability level. Conversely, highly skilled individuals may underestimate their relative competence, erroneously assuming that tasks that are easy for them are also easy for others.[URL=""][[/URL]1] [SIZE=3] Now let us discuss actual wit and satire; "in my self-entitled hyper-inflated egotistical self-importance,"[/SIZE] [SIZE=2][SIZE=3]The point of satire is to actually appear like the person you are criticizing, in order to illustrate the wider flaws in their argument. By including both an admission you think they're "self-important" (as if "entitlement" wasn't an equally lazy, ill educated authoritarian meme in of itself) which of course they never would say themselves, as well as not actually making the argument as it is presented by those who believe in it (Real world titans of history, and science fiction authors who themselves were dedicated fans of the original Elite, like Terry Pratchet are clearly not the same as a lion, no matter how beloved) you sir are not expressing the wit that you fail to realise you don't have, but rather proving the Dunning Kruger effect.[/SIZE][/SIZE] [SIZE=3]Thus in order to prove your actual talents, I suggest you go out into Open Play, leave some Imperial Slaves floating outside of a space station as bait, and then shoot a new player in a Sidewinder with a rail gun from a huge distance away; then post the screenshots of them dying on these forums to illustrate your manliness. Now [I]that[/I] is satire. [/SIZE]

Take this image:

And add the words "Not sure if serious" to it.
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Could some please post the Picard facepalm pic. I cant brain cause of dumb atm

The thread was SUPPOSED to be in Dangerous discussion. that was the whole point.
If I'd wanted it in Off Topic I'd have posted it in Off Topic. Half the joke is because it's in Dangerous Discussion.
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It would be less costly and much easier for FDev to add a Walter J Palmer Wanted NPC in game. And much more satisfying for animal friends too.
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I have never even heard of Cecil the Lion until all the bleeding hearts began making a big deal over it.....

Nothing in nature dies of old age. It either starves to death, thrists to death, freezes to death, falls off of something high, dies of disease or it gets eaten by something bigger.... If anything Cecil died quicker this way than any of the alternatives.

I really hoped this kind of topic would not come up...

All of the natural ways you describe do not involve a 40 hour death, they are all relatively quick.

This was no-where near a natural death. This was an animal that was lured away from safety. Shot by a bad marksman and injured. Pursued for 40 hours while in pain and fear before finally being shot, beheaded and evidence of what had happened hidden once they realised they would be in trouble.

This was not nature, this was torture.

Your comment implies that it is OK to torture an animal. I don't think it is... after all, we are all animals and I doubt you would like to be tortured.

On Topic: What, if anything this has to do with this game is beyond me.
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