weapon no damage

is any body having problem with there weapons. i was in a conflict zone try in to kill my enemy eagle with my cobra using my 2 type 2 beam laser and and the enemy ship with shield down was not taking any damage but if they hit me with weaker weapon than my ship has my ship crumble like a egg and this happening since the new patch
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That's because:

1) beam lasers are terrible

2) beam lasers are even more terrible against hulls

3) conflict zone ships carry better armor and hull reinforcements, and beam is even more terrible against that

TL;DR: don't use beams and get some cannons or multicannons to do some actual hull damage.
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That's because:

1) beam lasers are terrible

2) beam lasers are even more terrible against hulls

3) conflict zone ships carry better armor and hull reinforcements, and beam is even more terrible against that

TL;DR: don't use beams and get some cannons or multicannons to do some actual hull damage.

They aren't terrible enough for the enemy ship to take no damage. Especially an Eagle. A G2 beam would definitely hurt an Eagle.
Beams are excellent for module damage. Snipe their PP and you are fine but if you want to go for brainless hull grind: gimballed multicannons or pulse lasers.
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