I'll go first. This literally just happened about 15 minutes ago. So, to bring you up to speed, I was in an high intensity resource extraction site, (or HIRES for short) and I was killed in my C class Viper by a Python who had rammed me to death. We were toe to toe, and I was going to win. So, fast forward a night a or two, and I head back into this same HIRES. I spot a Python almost immediately, and introduce him to my brand spanking new dual Plasma Accelerators. In my head, I pretended this was the same guy. Things went swimmingly. I won without much hassle, only lost 4% hull, and collected a hefty 146,000cr bounty. Then, in the distance, I see his wingmate, a Clipper. I figured, with my triumphant success over the Python, that I could take this Clipper as well.
I was wrong. Oh so very wrong. I was brought to a sudden rude shock when I found my weapons were completely ineffective against this new opponent, a rude shock, like a surcharge at a formerly surcharge-free ATM machine. It was a tooth and nail fight for survival. I was barely able to keep to his underbelly during the fight, like a remora desperately trying to cling to the underbelly of a juvenile manta-ray during a tsunami wake, and was almost laid to the same fate again multiple times during our little scuffle. (Death by bumper cars.) I wasn't doing much on my own, even with 2,000,000cr credits worth of weapons under my wings. By the time I had his hull to 90%, he had regained his shields. At one point, I almost ran straight into an asteroid doing an evasive maneuver trying to stay out of his line of sight as I waited for my shields to recharge. I literally slammed both my feet down on the ground like I was hitting the brakes of a car when I looked up and saw the asteroid coming straight for my canopy. Luckily, I avoided it by a few nano-meters, and got off with just a scratch or two on my paint. That would have been fatal at 380m/s...
After my sweat inducing game of cat and mouse, I spotted a wing of system security in the distance that contained an Anaconda. The plan was simple, like my brother-in-law Phil, but unlike Phil, this plan might just work. I made a beeline straight for the Anaconda like it was the LS River and I was a mob informant, all the while trying to dodge this Clipper that was right on my ar*e the whole way, like a particularly jaded little fat kid with a massive magnifying glass on an ant hill. In the end. I sat behind that Anaconda like a 4 year old hiding from a bully behind grandma until the Anaconda scared the Clipper away. At that point, with no shields, and 16% hull left, I chased after the now crippled Clipper whilst shouting taunts towards it in my head, and firing at its rear like some kind of tough guy who had totally just kicked its ar*e and in no way, shape, or form, was just running from it with his tail between his legs only seconds before. The Clipper's wing turrets peppered me, but I held straight firing my plasma accelerators at it's rear like a man with a cause. In the hail of lasers and curse words, I had forgotten to slow down, and almost kamikazed myself into his death debris field afterwards as a result... >.> That would have been embarrassing... After that, I took a few pot shots at some Vipers and Eagles, and decided it was time to leave with my 500k in bounties.
Moral of the story? Apparently Clippers are son's of b*tches on the battlefield. Who would have know that innocent looking, almost luxury looking version of a modern space shuttle would be so, combat competent.
I guess you could say... (•_•)
That Clipper... ( •_•)>⌐□-□
Almost clipped me.... (⌐□_□)
I was wrong. Oh so very wrong. I was brought to a sudden rude shock when I found my weapons were completely ineffective against this new opponent, a rude shock, like a surcharge at a formerly surcharge-free ATM machine. It was a tooth and nail fight for survival. I was barely able to keep to his underbelly during the fight, like a remora desperately trying to cling to the underbelly of a juvenile manta-ray during a tsunami wake, and was almost laid to the same fate again multiple times during our little scuffle. (Death by bumper cars.) I wasn't doing much on my own, even with 2,000,000cr credits worth of weapons under my wings. By the time I had his hull to 90%, he had regained his shields. At one point, I almost ran straight into an asteroid doing an evasive maneuver trying to stay out of his line of sight as I waited for my shields to recharge. I literally slammed both my feet down on the ground like I was hitting the brakes of a car when I looked up and saw the asteroid coming straight for my canopy. Luckily, I avoided it by a few nano-meters, and got off with just a scratch or two on my paint. That would have been fatal at 380m/s...
After my sweat inducing game of cat and mouse, I spotted a wing of system security in the distance that contained an Anaconda. The plan was simple, like my brother-in-law Phil, but unlike Phil, this plan might just work. I made a beeline straight for the Anaconda like it was the LS River and I was a mob informant, all the while trying to dodge this Clipper that was right on my ar*e the whole way, like a particularly jaded little fat kid with a massive magnifying glass on an ant hill. In the end. I sat behind that Anaconda like a 4 year old hiding from a bully behind grandma until the Anaconda scared the Clipper away. At that point, with no shields, and 16% hull left, I chased after the now crippled Clipper whilst shouting taunts towards it in my head, and firing at its rear like some kind of tough guy who had totally just kicked its ar*e and in no way, shape, or form, was just running from it with his tail between his legs only seconds before. The Clipper's wing turrets peppered me, but I held straight firing my plasma accelerators at it's rear like a man with a cause. In the hail of lasers and curse words, I had forgotten to slow down, and almost kamikazed myself into his death debris field afterwards as a result... >.> That would have been embarrassing... After that, I took a few pot shots at some Vipers and Eagles, and decided it was time to leave with my 500k in bounties.
Moral of the story? Apparently Clippers are son's of b*tches on the battlefield. Who would have know that innocent looking, almost luxury looking version of a modern space shuttle would be so, combat competent.
I guess you could say... (•_•)
That Clipper... ( •_•)>⌐□-□
Almost clipped me.... (⌐□_□)