Horizons What do I need to run ultra 1440p with good framerate?

390X expected performance well below par

I have an FX6300 running at 4ghz and an R9 390X and at 1440p on ultra I got 10fps, surely this isn't right?
This isn't just in supercruise, this is when sat in a station, I haven't even left yet and don't intend to at 10fps.
Had a 290 before this and ran at ultra 1080p so don't see why this would be such a problem for a 390X
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supersampling is the usual suspect for crap performance.

pretty much this. check if you have supersampling set to 1.5 or higher.

I'm running with a GTX980Ti and the game runs fine on ultra @ 1440p. everything above 60fps all the time. about 180 in space and around 70-90 on planets. the planet surfaces are super intensive!


I'm running slightly higher at 2560x1600 on Ultra and get 60 fps in space and 50-60 on planets. It can get much higher at times with vsync off but the tearing is awful on my older TFT monitor, so vsync is a must.

i7 5820k @ 3.8ghz
GTX 970 FTW+ 4GB (359.06 drivers)
I have an FX6300 running at 4ghz and an R9 390X and at 1440p on ultra I got 10fps, surely this isn't right?

It's most likely that 390x due to AMD's newer drivers. I bet you are also on win10 and were in Supercruise. It's a known bug in the driver/OS/game, my 290x does the same thing until i installed a pre windows 10 driver, it works fine but it a bit outdated, obviously.
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I have an FX6300 running at 4ghz and an R9 390X and at 1440p on ultra I got 10fps, surely this isn't right?

On topic: As Vercinaigh stated, it could be the AMD graphics card. I've got the R9 280 and I'm having performance issues in Super Cruise while near "landable" planets. There's been an ongoing issue with AMD drivers not jiving very well with ED. And as the Horizons update requires more umph from our hardware, the issue is quite pronounced.

Off topic: How do you like your FX6300? I haven't seen many people that are using that CPU, but I think it's a great little machine. I've got mine OC'ed to 4.2GHz and it makes day-to-day operations of my PC much faster.
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Running a 780ti on Ultra settings, no AA @1440p .. getting lowest rates around 35-40 frames .. but averages around 45ish. Looks like its a Titan or 980ti right now to get 60+
pretty much this. check if you have supersampling set to 1.5 or higher.

I'm running with a GTX980Ti and the game runs fine on ultra @ 1440p. everything above 60fps all the time. about 180 in space and around 70-90 on planets. the planet surfaces are super intensive!



I'm running 2 GTX 980 TI Hybrids in SLI, and game is in 1440p at Ultra settings with SMAA and at 1.5 super sampling. I get 60fps (vsync) most of the time, it drops maybe by 5fps for a second while flying through canyons and stuff. I can play it at 4k but sometimes I get texture loading issues and fps drops more often and just got annoying so I play it at 1440p.
Yeah buddy.. forget AMD if you expect anything that resembles decent framerates. Thankfully I've got an unopened game from last year I've not played yet... my only regret is buying a full ch products setup, should have bought a new pipe for my Ducati instead. We live and learn haha :D
This is actually in the station before I've even launched. That's why I'm thinking something's wrong. Checked settings and it looks like supersampling was off, though with the issues with settings being lost between game loads I'm not sure, just updating now then going to retest.
Can we not have this AMD is crap Nvidia is awesome fight here please? I really don't care about Nvidia performance, I don't have one, I have a 390X.
As for my FX6300 it's been a fantastic processor since I bought it, never been bottlenecking, motherboard needs updating though as I don't have the VRM to overclock past 4GHz, shame...
I have an FX6300 running at 4ghz and an R9 390X and at 1440p on ultra I got 10fps, surely this isn't right?
This isn't just in supercruise, this is when sat in a station, I haven't even left yet and don't intend to at 10fps.
Had a 290 before this and ran at ultra 1080p so don't see why this would be such a problem for a 390X

I run a 390 and have no issues - check the super sampling as suggested. You know about the SC bug so I won't go over that as it would just be wasting you're time.

I run in 1080 with v-sync and get a constant 60FPS in stations and some times drop to 50 when on planets. You should get almost the same on the 390X @1440 when running 1.0x super sampling. I run it at 1.5x no SMAA all detail set to max.

If I turn on 2.0x ss and SMAA I get down to the frame rates you talk about :)
Yeah buddy.. forget AMD if you expect anything that resembles decent framerates. Thankfully I've got an unopened game from last year I've not played yet... my only regret is buying a full ch products setup, should have bought a new pipe for my Ducati instead. We live and learn haha :D

Sorry, but that is plain wrong. i have an AMD card and get 120-180 FPS in ultra in SC, around 90-120 in stations. It goes down to about 60-90 on planets and I expect that to get better when the new drivers comes out.
Not sure what the OP problem with the card but it should run fine. My old AMD 270x worked fine. Make sure that ED is using your dedicated GPU and not the inbuilt one if you have one in the graphics section. That's the only thing I can think of.
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No idea what it was either, but after the update I'm getting a solid 60fps (vsync on) except the sc problem. Is it worth disabling vsync? Don't want tearing
Running a 780ti on Ultra settings, no AA @1440p .. getting lowest rates around 35-40 frames .. but averages around 45ish. Looks like its a Titan or 980ti right now to get 60+

I'm using a 980 (not Ti) and am getting in excess of 60 frames per second at 1440p, no matter whether I'm in space or on a planet. This is using ultra settings.
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