What ever happened to Kumay?

Way back in 2019 we had a great planetary expedtion around the fantastic looking planet Kumay.
It was chosen for its looks and features and provided some brilliant challanges and backgrounds for this adventure.
Unfortunately Kumay looks very different in Odyssey and wouldn't have been used for this expedition.
Here's a few comparison pictures from the same position of Kumay in Horizons and Odyssey.
Which do you prefer?






I think it was (sadly) expected. New planetary tech means all are reset, including great looking ones like this. We have to find a new ones where all the variables of the new tech are in the right spot to produce cool looking planets and moons. Biggest fear is does Odyssey plantary tech support high mountains like this (from screenshots have not seen much deep canyons either)? Maybe it's just more rare than it was with Horizons.
New planetary tech seems to generate a much flatter and less dramatic terrain.
Indeed it does.
Pomech 2C even had a mention in the release notes to give it more canyons, although they don't look anywhere near as good.
Indeed it does.
Pomech 2C even had a mention in the release notes to give it more canyons, although they don't look anywhere near as good.

New planetary tech might be generating a much more realistic terrain tho.
You cant have mountain ranges without tectonic plate movements. And no riverbeds without rivers
So planets with dramatic terrain might be more rare (pomeche 2c type of planets are quite some oddities imo,, nice but odd)
Smoothing intensifies.

Easier/cheaper than making a new SRV that handles rough terrain better. Those graphics designers aren't cheap, you know.
New planetary tech might be generating a much more realistic terrain tho.
You cant have mountain ranges without tectonic plate movements. And no riverbeds without rivers
So planets with dramatic terrain might be more rare (pomeche 2c type of planets are quite some oddities imo,, nice but odd)
Olympus Mons? Yes, I know it's a volcano, but it's on Mars (no tectonic plates) and it has 21 km height.

IMHO, the new planetary tech is worse than the Horizon one. And they even dumbed it more, in order to attain a bit better performance. In fact, judging by the early designs floating around in the past years, I would call the new planetary tech a complete failure - they are nowhere near to what they themselves proposed.
You can see the colours it's supposed to have but it gets all blurred into a grey mush with the in my eyes obviously defect lighting system.
New planetary tech might be generating a much more realistic terrain tho.
You cant have mountain ranges without tectonic plate movements. And no riverbeds without rivers
So planets with dramatic terrain might be more rare (pomeche 2c type of planets are quite some oddities imo,, nice but odd)
Got to say I've thought this for a while but rarely bother to say it because I don't think anyone wants realistic terrain, they just want canyons back.

I kind of get it. I also kind of think that the closer to realism we get with stuff like planets... the better. But still a happy medium might be worth it.
Olympus Mons? Yes, I know it's a volcano, but it's on Mars (no tectonic plates) and it has 21 km height.

IMHO, the new planetary tech is worse than the Horizon one. And they even dumbed it more, in order to attain a bit better performance. In fact, judging by the early designs floating around in the past years, I would call the new planetary tech a complete failure - they are nowhere near to what they themselves proposed.

It's a volcano.. and it's a really bland and boring feature
Now if you'd be talking about Valles Marineris
It's a volcano.. and it's a really bland and boring feature
Now if you'd be talking about Valles Marineris
I was just giving an example... but, IMHO, EDO needs no excuse: its "planetary tech" is simply lackluster, broken and poor. A total failure if we're comparing to even their own designs shown for at least the past 2-3 years. Also the "tenuous atmospheres" are just a poor excuse for the lack of any atmos phenomena.
I was just giving an example... but, IMHO, EDO needs no excuse: its "planetary tech" is simply lackluster, broken and poor. A total failure if we're comparing to even their own designs shown for at least the past 2-3 years. Also the "tenuous atmospheres" are just a poor excuse for the lack of any atmos phenomena.

I just hope it gets better.
lighting is really bad and the planet forge seems to be limping... I've seen some really ugly and odd pointy things... like failed mountains

there could be a chance that this fix mentioned in the patch notes could be responsible for the generally flatter surfaces

  • Large update to planetary tech, including reworked systems, terrain types, blending, craters and colouration - this also includes the reworking of some terrain materials to be flatter, for better SRV navigation
Show me one planet in EDO that looks half like the one in Horizon... you can't

This thread has some pretty decent looking terrain. Dramatic and beautiful terrain still exists, although it does seem like on the whole it's less dramatic than before which feels like a let down.

But when it looks good, it looks really good.
Wow, I have seen that the planet tech is bad, but this is just (quote James Bond in Goldfinger) "shocking positively shocking"

New planetary tech might be generating a much more realistic terrain tho.
You cant have mountain ranges without tectonic plate movements. And no riverbeds without rivers
So planets with dramatic terrain might be more rare (pomeche 2c type of planets are quite some oddities imo,, nice but odd)
Gravitational tidal forces can create pretty amazing, extreme terrain.
Take Jupiter's moons Io and Europa, for example.
Of course it's not just anywhere, you need the right arrangement of celestial bodies.
I just finished a spot of Selenium fishing, and there was some pretty dramatic looking terrain there, a nice mix of flats, deep craters, and sudden mountainy bits.
Great fun playing space dirt rally (though the controller needs tactile vibration feedback urgently) and high powered geysers blasting all over the place.
And all the Se you want.

The SRV is an awesome dirt beast, and the brake skids on this terrain are just A1. Only missing some good controller vibrations, everything else is superb.
Vehicle, sounds, handling, environment, just a stellar job by all the teams involved with this aspect of EDO (there's others obviously, but just giving a special shout out to the space dirt rally team here).

Pity there is so much wasted potential with this game though.
EDO could be a racing sim on par with the best terrestrial ones, if only FDev understood what they've built and what needs to be added.

Pro tip: Planet 4 b is even better.
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