What-if: placeholders for Uncolonized Earth-Like planets?

After replaying Mass Effect 1, and landing on Eletania, I figured that the Earth-Like planets in E: D (at least uncolonized ones) could've made it look like this when planetside:

Though I can understand if the issue would be the lack of alien fauna. Maybe not flora though, I mean, those that we do have, may thrive on such planets as well.

Anyway, what do you think?

The problem is exploration. Explore ELW, post images and pictures of exciting areas, explore mountains and rivers and lakes, map stuff out. Then they throw everything away and players need to do it all over again with different rivers and mountains and etc. No thanks. Once they introduce ELW's it should be a basically finished job apart from minor polishing, been a lot of flack over the years of FDEV changing features that people have explored and loved because...well because they were placeholders. So no thanks.
I think your link didn’t reveal anything for me.

As far as a placeholder goes I think I would rather wait until they could release the real thing, even though that would be a while for ELWs as they should do thick atmospheres first before trying anything so bio diverse as an ELW.
I think your link didn’t reveal anything for me.

As far as a placeholder goes I think I would rather wait until they could release the real thing, even though that would be a while for ELWs as they should do thick atmospheres first before trying anything so bio diverse as an ELW.

Yeah it won't link from the forums, you have to copy and paste it, but it's just a generic procedural green hill and clouds image, nothing special.
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