What is "beagle point"

If there's a bright center of the universe, Beagle Point is the place farthest from.
Max distance from sagittarius is reached in another rim (formidine?). Allitnil knows. There you can go over 45K from Sag, in the Far Rim you are more on the 40K.
Beagle Point is one of the furthest system from Sol, distance that can be achieved only in the Far Out Rim where the Carina Sagittarius Arm fades.
It's a point in this Galaxy which we will be heading towards (and beyond) in the 'Distant Worlds' expedition.
A point not everyone will get to sadly if we are all absolutely honest.
The true spirit of exploration is continuing in ED. I just wonder where the next big exped will be after 'Distant Worlds'?
Max distance from sagittarius is reached in another rim (formidine?). Allitnil knows. There you can go over 45K from Sag, in the Far Rim you are more on the 40K.
From the bubble, point your ship at Beagle Point, turn around 180 degrees, go as far as you can, turn left, travel a stupidly long distance through a sparse arm and then you'll find yourself as far from Sag A* as you can get.

In the days when the 65K club is becoming a bit crowded, the 45K from Sag one is the cool place to hang out. But it is a bit lonely, I think there are still only two of us!
From the bubble, point your ship at Beagle Point, turn around 180 degrees, go as far as you can, turn left, travel a stupidly long distance through a sparse arm and then you'll find yourself as far from Sag A* as you can get.

In the days when the 65K club is becoming a bit crowded, the 45K from Sag one is the cool place to hang out. But it is a bit lonely, I think there are still only two of us!
It's amazing how for certain CMDRs 42 people in one year means "crowded".
I just watched one of the videos and realized that the route your expedition is taking is very close to the route I am taking on my journey. I would join up on it, but truthfully I don't think I could keep up with it.
very few have ever seen systems like Beagle Point. I dont think that more than 50% of all Expedition Members will make it. Some will lose interest, some will get interrupted by RL, some will crash on Planets and others will melt between the burning love of binary stars. Some might even get stuck without fuel. At some point the Fuelrats will be out of Limpets.
Or maybe i am talking complete bullsheit and almost everyone makes it to Beagle Point. Only time will tell :)
Max distance from sagittarius is reached in another rim (formidine?). Allitnil knows. There you can go over 45K from Sag, in the Far Rim you are more on the 40K.
Beagle Point is one of the furthest system from Sol, distance that can be achieved only in the Far Out Rim where the Carina Sagittarius Arm fades.

Not to mention, taking quite an epic effort to get to.

It is a system that has attained Legendary status. Other Explorer's, wish they had discovered it, tourists wish they could have tagged it, children want to play in it, and women wish to make love in it...

OK, getting carried away... But it's basically one of the great "community" navigational markers of the Galaxy, and I, along with many others, hope that FD will introduce the names tot he Galaxy Map in game, in addition to the Ceecklia designation, so that if someone searches for "Beagle Point", the Galaxy Map will take you there...

very few have ever seen systems like Beagle Point. I dont think that more than 50% of all Expedition Members will make it. Some will lose interest, some will get interrupted by RL, some will crash on Planets and others will melt between the burning love of binary stars. Some might even get stuck without fuel. At some point the Fuelrats will be out of Limpets.
Or maybe i am talking complete bullsheit and almost everyone makes it to Beagle Point. Only time will tell :)

There is talk of naming systems/planets after those that have spectacular failures on the trip. So, perhaps crashing an anaconda on a 6G planet because you thought you can land it with 5D thrusters may allow your name to live on after you crash and.. Erm.. Explode.


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From the bubble, point your ship at Beagle Point, turn around 180 degrees, go as far as you can, turn left, travel a stupidly long distance through a sparse arm and then you'll find yourself as far from Sag A* as you can get.

In the days when the 65K club is becoming a bit crowded, the 45K from Sag one is the cool place to hang out. But it is a bit lonely, I think there are still only two of us!

I'll be joining this one once we all get to Beagle point, and the expedition "disbands"...

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Exactly what I was thinking!

There's 3 options open after Beagle Point. Travel home via Silentium and through the 4th Quadrant - that will take you toward the 45k from Sol region, although I doubt ships will get across the Tenebris void from that direction, even with boosts. Or travel into the Abyssal Plain from Beagle Point, then home through the 1st Quadrant regions.

Or I suspect most survivors will make their own way home, re-doing the route in reverse.

I guess it depends what condition our ships are in after a 81,000 light year trip. Landings could take their toll ;)
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