For me, the closest thing to Elite (as SP as well as MP) is Freelancer.
The X series is close too (but not as close for some reason)
whats your opinion?
Oolite is the closest thing to Elite. And I haven't tried Pioneer yet but I expect that will fill a large part of my year when I'm finished with the missions in Oolite. I don't think I'll notice the wait 'til 2014.
I have played X2 and X3 and enjoyed them but the ability to buy stations and ships seemed to turn you into a "business manager" rather than a lone explorer or pirate - these trades were not really viable. Also, the gate system sucked! OOlite it is!
I thought Oolite is the only modern Elite game based very closely to the original. So same combat style and game mechanics. So it has to be Oolite for me.
If we are talking Elite II then it would be pioneer.
i realize that Oolite is the closest to Elite, it is, after all, a clone of elite.
what i was meant was: what is the closest to elite that is not a direct clone of elite?
However, I usually play Elite on an emulated BBC or Amiga if I want to play Elite. Oolite does have some significant differences.
I also enjoy playing Evochron, Vendetta Online, Vega-Strike, Dangerous (The already existing cross platform Space game not this proposed one), and Pioneer, mainly because they all have their similarities to Elite.