What option controls whatever this graphical thing is?

I'm afraid I have no idea what this is called, but this effect at settlements in valleys keeps throwing me off.

The problem you are having is the general lack of ambient lighting in Odyssey. While the settlement is in shadow, there should be plenty enough ambient light to make details of buildings, etc visible. Unfortunately, Odyssey only seems to do direct lighting so it's too dark.

Believe it or not, though, the lighting has been getting better. During the alpha, you could walk under an awning during the day and suddenly couldn't see anything (including the day lit parts of the settlement outside the awning) without a flashlight.
It's some sort of auto-gain contrast on the camera, and I haven't found a way to switch it off. Happens in space too - if you point your ship at the planet and pitch until the star comes into view, the planet turns dark. Use the external camera, get some portion of your ship in front of some portion of the star, and the planet goes light again.
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