Newcomer / Intro Where is Voyager 1...?

I've tried to find Voyager 1 using the YouTube video, but no success :(

(just crossing things off my 'ED bucket list' :) )

The video recommends 'lining up the right star' and then searching at a range of 2,317,000 ls, plus or minus 1000 ls
I noticed that the video was posted in June 2017, so presumably the range has now increased as Voyager 1 is still moving

A couple of questions:

1. To anyone who visited Voyager 1 recently - What is the current distance from Sol..?

2. It occurs to me that my own speed may be important ie I've noticed that USSs spawn according to the speed I'm travelling when searching
Is it the same when searching for Voyager 1..? that is, if I increase my speed, will I thereby increase the 'globe' of my search zone?
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I have no idea. Used to visit V1 back when it had a POI in Sol, you select it, full throttle, make a cup of tea, sit back and wait to arrive.
They made it so difficult to find now. Voyager 2 also.

if I increase my speed, will I thereby increase the 'globe' of my search zone?

Yes. But if you go too fast and get a USS message, by the time you slow down it will be gone because sensors pick it up only up to a certain distance.
I visited about a month ago, distance then was 2,317,434 ls



I used both the post below and then the video above to line up the stars and find it:

When you are at the right distance with the stars aligned as per the video turn side on to Sol and start doing circles at about 200ls slowly increasing the size but keeping the same distance to Sol.

It's about 30mins to travel out, it took me about 10-15 mins to find after that.

Good luck [up]
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Meanwhile, if this wasn't protected by game files, someone would have just destroyed it just to be a , long ago. Or just retrieved and studied to see how the long-term effects of being in space affected the components and materials.

While a neat easteregg, makes you wonder what the in-lore significance would be for these probes. They are no longer the furthest man made object from the Earth, and likely would not be the furthest man made object from the Earth using only conventional propulsion at this point in time since there would likely be solar sail driven probes, or ones that have been traveling at a higher velocity launched between our present time, and the time the game is set in. For being an old object, you'd expect a capital ship or a research vessel, or both flying in parallel and destroying anything that comes near, or just keeping it stationary in a heavily restricted area. Or just collected and sitting in a museum.
Meanwhile, if this wasn't protected by game files, someone would have just destroyed it just to be a , long ago. Or just retrieved and studied to see how the long-term effects of being in space affected the components and materials.

While a neat easteregg, makes you wonder what the in-lore significance would be for these probes. They are no longer the furthest man made object from the Earth, and likely would not be the furthest man made object from the Earth using only conventional propulsion at this point in time since there would likely be solar sail driven probes, or ones that have been traveling at a higher velocity launched between our present time, and the time the game is set in. For being an old object, you'd expect a capital ship or a research vessel, or both flying in parallel and destroying anything that comes near, or just keeping it stationary in a heavily restricted area. Or just collected and sitting in a museum.

I think the lore is that it was abandoned and no longer used when the advanced propulsion came online in the same way generation ships were cast aside when FSD came along. We've got a big history of abandoning things when obsolete especially in space stuff where things literally serve no use once obsolete and are often suicided into planets/atmospheres, the Voyager probes will be well out of communication range and not have been providing data for some time.

In theory yes it may warrant some protection as an ancient relic and to be honest if reality was to be preserved, however, given the expense of doing so that's unlikely. As you say more probable it would have been taken away to a museum or stolen by a collector. As you say, definitely there as an easter egg and not a continuation of reality, cool that it's still travelling where it should be though. All in all I like it how it is but you're right it wouldn't be there if humanity IRL got faster propulsion/FTL tomorrow :p
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In 1984 the Voyagers had passed Saturn with 1 on its way to deep space and 2 heading for Uranus while back on Earth a game called Elite was released on the BBC micro.
Voyager is in Elite Dangerous? That is so cool!

I wounder if its location in ED is where it is today or did they calculate Voyagers location projected into the future to the current date in Elite Dangerous?
Voyager is in Elite Dangerous? That is so cool!

I wounder if its location in ED is where it is today or did they calculate Voyagers location projected into the future to the current date in Elite Dangerous?

That is its distance in 3304 so I suspect the location will be right.
I'm inspired to have another go...!

Doing the alignment of the sun against the background star field at a distance of around 2.3Mls is the key to a short search time. My first attempt was just to fly off in the direction of Beronii to 2.317Mls and then start a spiralling search but after an hour or so I had collected some grade 5 materials but had no luck finding voyager. If you are time poor though watch GGs video and do exactly what it says. Once I aligned my position using the sun and the star field I found voyager in around 5 minutes.
The video recommends 'lining up the right star' and then searching at a range of 2,317,000 ls, plus or minus 1000 ls
I noticed that the video was posted in June 2017, so presumably the range has now increased as Voyager 1 is still moving

Your assumption, while logical, is not correct. Space POIs, such as generation ships, nav/tourist beacons and the three deep space probes in near-Sol space (V1, V2 and the New Horizons probe) do not move, unless FD manually edit their locations during an update.

It's particularly illogical for generation ships, as they are presumably still supposed to be moving at 20% of lightspeed.
Ditto Voyager 1 which is travelling at around 0.00005c assuming it hasn't slowed down too much over the last millennium.
BTW I also checked out Voyager 2 yesterday. I found this more of a challenge to find than Voyager 1. The correct location of the sun against the star field was not as intuitive. Again Ghost Giraffe's video on this was great. Took me about 30 minutes to get out there and then around another 30 minutes of taking screen shots and measuring the angles between the sun and various stars.
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