Where not to set your VR settings.

Good lord I'm losing my marbles...

  • Spent a few hours getting graphics just right while fiddling around in the different training missions. DON'T DO THAT! Because the settings will crash in to a jagged mess inside the main game.
  • Spent a little time getting graphics just right in the VR main menu screen. DON'T DO THAT! Because the settings will crash in to a jagged mess inside the main game.
  • Spent some time getting graphics just right while docked inside a station in the main game. DON'T DO THAT! Because the settings will crash in to a jagged mess once you reach the next station.

Taking a break now to rant here, but bottom line for me is that a spanking new gamer pc with GTX1080 will run E: D at in-game VR-High setting (probably - time will tell). Nothing more. I was able to add SMAA for the grid at letterbox and other jaggies.

Not that this isn't all right, I just wish I could rely on the settings I create in game.

I did it in a station and also in the VR main menu, no problems and I never heard about them.
So I think people can do that safely.

Groet Dree
I did it in a station and also in the VR main menu, no problems and I never heard about them.
So I think people can do that safely.

Groet Dree

Fair enough. Glad it works for you. What settings did you end up with, and with what hardware?
i7, GTX 1080, Vive, SSD
I ended up with the setting from the man writing in green
At the end of that page he changed something to make things a little smoother in stations what olso helped me.

Do you realy have to change your settings in space or on the serfice of a planet? Strange!

Groet Dree
i7, GTX 1080, Vive, SSD
I ended up with the setting from the man writing in green
At the end of that page he changed something to make things a little smoother in stations what olso helped me.

Do you realy have to change your settings in space or on the serfice of a planet? Strange!

Groet Dree

Thanks. Ok. So I assume that you're launching the game through the Steam launcher? With asyncronous reprojection on? What about Steam SS? Are you boosting that too?

From the picture in the link he has high HMD quality (2.0) but mediocre draw distance. Personally I would prefer longer draw distance and reducing HMD quality. But I understand that there is no "one size fits all". :)

The thing that really bugged me was when I had set everything smoothly while docked at a station. I then flew to another station and everything became a lagging mess.

I went to surfaces yesterday, but I've been messing with settings the last 2 days so I can't say for sure what worked for me...

I guess I'll just start from scratch and find a setting that sticks, even between stations and on surfaces. :) At least EDProfiler helped me with a HUD colour so I can actually read the in-game text. The orange was a mess to me. Some would say I'm getting old. :)

I launch ED with the ED launcher after witch SteamVR comes up automatically and asyncronous reprojection is on.
But I don't thinks there is much difference with starting up with the steam launcher.
Steam SS, if you mean renderTargetMultiplier in steamvr.vrsettings then yes, just like the green man on 1.2

If you scroll down a bit from that picture you will see that the green man also reduced his HMD quality to 1.25
If you want to change something from that you should try, I'm testing with the terrain work slider now :)
What you see as a problem I use as a test, change a setting one at a time so you know what make things better or worse,
then fly to the next station to see if things work, let me know :)

Groet Dree
...What you see as a problem I use as a test, change a setting one at a time so you know what make things better or worse,
then fly to the next station to see if things work, let me know :)

Groet Dree

That's the spirit! :) Thanks. I'll update when I have news.

Fly safe.
I'm on a 1080 too, and as you guessed in the other thread, a Rift. My PC is reasonably overclocked, +145 for the 1080GTX (1980MHz in game) and 4.6GHz 6700K under water cooling.
Colours aside, I use the following settings;

Max draw distance
HMD Quality - 1.25x
Supersampling - 1.0x
Blur - Off
Depth of Field - Off
Shadows - Medium
Bloom - Medium
Ambient Occlusion - Low
Terrain work is about 1/2 way
Everything else is maxed.

Glad you got your HUD colours fixed. :)
I'm on a 1080 too, and as you guessed in the other thread, a Rift. My PC is reasonably overclocked, +145 for the 1080GTX (1980MHz in game) and 4.6GHz 6700K under water cooling.
Colours aside, I use the following settings;

Max draw distance
HMD Quality - 1.25x
Supersampling - 1.0x
Blur - Off
Depth of Field - Off
Shadows - Medium
Bloom - Medium
Ambient Occlusion - Low
Terrain work is about 1/2 way
Everything else is maxed.

Glad you got your HUD colours fixed. :)

Looks a lot like what I'm closing in on. Nice to see there's room for terrain. Even though the SRV makes me barf. :D
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I'm on a 1080 too, and as you guessed in the other thread, a Rift. My PC is reasonably overclocked, +145 for the 1080GTX (1980MHz in game) and 4.6GHz 6700K under water cooling.
Colours aside, I use the following settings;

Max draw distance
HMD Quality - 1.25x
Supersampling - 1.0x
Blur - Off
Depth of Field - Off
Shadows - Medium
Bloom - Medium
Ambient Occlusion - Low
Terrain work is about 1/2 way
Everything else is maxed.

Glad you got your HUD colours fixed. :)

I did that too now and it shows that the green man's settings are a good starting point but you
can go better. Just arrived in next station (high teck red & dark) and everything went smooth :)

I have my doubt about your Ambient Occlusion though, setting it off before was the only selution
to avoid judder on planets, but than again, I do not remember all other settings then and that was before 2.2.

Thanks Dree
I have HMD quality at 2.0 and SS at .65, everything else is set to high on a 980Ti, draw distance is about 75%. Unless I'm in deep space ASW is nearly always on, but it looks pretty good. When testing I'd also try some high res sites, fighting in rings takes a big hit.
I have HMD quality at 2.0 and SS at .65, everything else is set to high on a 980Ti, draw distance is about 75%. Unless I'm in deep space ASW is nearly always on, but it looks pretty good. When testing I'd also try some high res sites, fighting in rings takes a big hit.

I thought the image became too faded when I dropped SS below 1, but I can see how it would give you extra space for playing with HMD quality. Might have to give it a try. :)
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I thought the image became too faded when I dropped SS below 1, but I can see how it would give you extra space for playing with HMD quality. Might have to give it a try. :)

I am under the impression SS and HMD quality do the same thing only via different paths, but HMD quality uses less juice, what I do notice, is the HUD looks MUCH sharper this way around.
I had no problems setting up graphics in station. Best place to do it is request docking permission and when you get a pad near the back land and go to outfit hangar. After going to the outift hanger, request to go back to the surface but not launch. You can see the whole stations interior and other ships coming and going. Pretty much the worst case. Set your graphics for that situation and they will be smooth everywhere.
I had no problems setting up graphics in station. Best place to do it is request docking permission and when you get a pad near the back land and go to outfit hangar. After going to the outift hanger, request to go back to the surface but not launch. You can see the whole stations interior and other ships coming and going. Pretty much the worst case. Set your graphics for that situation and they will be smooth everywhere.

Not a bad idea.:)
I have HMD quality at 2.0 and SS at .65, everything else is set to high on a 980Ti, draw distance is about 75%. Unless I'm in deep space ASW is nearly always on, but it looks pretty good. When testing I'd also try some high res sites, fighting in rings takes a big hit.

I have been giving your SS and HMD Q settings a go, and you might be on to something. SS-0.5 was a mess, but 0.65 and HMD Q 2.0 looks super smooth, even smoother than SS-1.0 and HMD Q-1.25. A bit heavier on FPS but worth it for me.

Even though I've got a 1080 I can't run all settings on high. But I do have draw distance at max. I really hate pop up. :)
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