before 2.4 we saw a great mobilization of the two factions to set up outposts in the pleiades sector, to research and of course to have the technology in their favor, the same good old armament race as ever, if this is the next technology of the moment the powers need to be ahead of the race, right.
which I discovered based on my interactions:
they bring down the two fleets, imperial and federal, they retaliate if they are shot, they go into combat with ships that carry technology Guardian and Thargoid, they destroy tec Guardian and take tec Thargoid, meta alloy and scape pod occupied and, when they die, they throw out Thargoids probes.
they recognize tec Guardian as hostile and harmful destroying the first contact, without research interest, soon already have knowledge about such
they regard tec Thargoid as stolen, and are just taking it back from anyone who carries it, this includes the federal and imperial trains operating in the region, as well as commanders possessing their technology.
Humans may still be a blind spot to them, so the need for further study
they are not hostile as much as the federation of pilots is to us with stolen items, they just want back what is theirs and defend themselves against hostilities
the attack on the AEGIS base proves their interest in reacquiring its technology, as it is the largest research center of their technology
the probes they leave when they die work like our black box, they may be storing combat data and as before they still do the same as they always did, they recognize and reproduce data about the scout ship.
reacquire these probes is essential for them to draw conclusions about what happened and to discover about our technology
Thargoids are deliberately calm in combat, they do not massacre the target ship at first contact, they seem to me to be just giving warning shots, easily losing the focus of the primary target, refusing the target closer or more insistently, this seems to me to be exclusively maneuvers defensive
Defending and claiming what is rightfully yours can be considered hostility
How much is the glory worth for killing unknown ships that only defended themselves?