Who's using jump spells to explore new systems?

Perhaps my favourite new Horizons feature have so far been the jump spells - okay, FSD boosts - and using them to access systems that were beyond conventional FSD ranges before. However, looking at the explorer forums, I mostly see people discussing using them to reach Beagle Point in smaller-ranged ships. Looking in-game, I've seen maybe a handful of Commanders' tags on systems in the Deep. (I like to call the systems which can only be accessed with jumponium the Deep.) But then, I simply might have been at the wrong place(s) at the wrong time(s). So, I thought I'd ask here instead: who else is using the boosts to blaze new trails on the new frontiers?

Personally, I love how they change expeditions: you need to prepare your supplies, plan your routes carefully and need to weigh both. Then there's that feeling of excitement and slight dread when you do finally commit to diving in.

Also, show of hands: who else has ever used up more than half of their remaining boosts to get somewhere? And still made it back to sell the data and tell the tale?
Also, show of hands: who else has ever used up more than half of their remaining boosts to get somewhere? And still made it back to sell the data and tell the tale?
Using up more than half your boosts is tantamount to suicide since there is no guarantee you will get back alive. That's more about being reckless than exploring. Tales of suicide trips are, by definition, out of game experiences so carry little weight IMO. Dead men tell no tales.

But I totally agree with the positive aspects about preparation and planning routes. Those have always been key aspects of exploration and I am fully in favour of them now being necessary for any attempt to push the boundaries beyond what had previously been achievable. Getting to the absolute limits now takes a whole lot more than just having an optimised Anaconda, you both have to think and make compromises as the resources are finite and take time to acquire.

Sadly I expect this will be a relatively short period in the history of exploration. Crafting will likely end up with us being able to have FSDs that can reach almost any system without worrying about materials. And once again, the limits will just be about loadout with no compromise :(
Sadly I expect this will be a relatively short period in the history of exploration. Crafting will likely end up with us being able to have FSDs that can reach almost any system without worrying about materials. And once again, the limits will just be about loadout with no compromise :(
Only if we assume that we'll be able to upgrade our FSD's range substantially beyond what's possible now. For all we know, FSD upgrades might be limited to better fuel efficiency or decreased charging time - but we don't even know whether we will be able to upgrade them or not. Given that we know very little about what we'll be able to upgrade and in what ways, I think it's too early to speculate on how crafting might impact exploration.
I haven't used an FSD boost yet, but I do have the materials for synthesis. Maybe I'll pick out a lonely and distant system that can only be reached by FSD boost. Even more awesome if it's not yet discovered.

Thanks to the OP for bringing this back to my attention :)
I saw so many systems just out of range of my 'conda that I want to go back and get to them tagged. All along the north edge of the Galaxy.
I have used more then half of my premium boosts, then prospected and found more of the same so I could go back. But then I crashed and lost my ship. ;p

Edit: But it was a training mission just 1600 ly above Sol, so it wasn't anything serious.
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Crafting will likely end up with us being able to have FSDs that can reach almost any system without worrying about materials.
Here's hoping that the FSD supercharging vendors are not hidden behind silly requirements such as being level 50 CQC / Admiral / King.
Sadly I expect this will be a relatively short period in the history of exploration. Crafting will likely end up with us being able to have FSDs that can reach almost any system without worrying about materials. And once again, the limits will just be about loadout with no compromise :(
Only if we assume that we'll be able to upgrade our FSD's range substantially beyond what's possible now. For all we know, FSD upgrades might be limited to better fuel efficiency or decreased charging time - but we don't even know whether we will be able to upgrade them or not. Given that we know very little about what we'll be able to upgrade and in what ways, I think it's too early to speculate on how crafting might impact exploration.

Yeah, I've seen a few people getting pretty worked up over the imagined things that crafting will bring (and grinds they will be locked behind), but we have zero information right now. Remember when the announcement about special faction gear in Power Play caught everyone's interest, and then it quickly changed to "meh" when everyone saw the final product and realized it was mostly sidegrade stuff? I'm betting it will be the same thing with crafting. If it's meant to be an optional game activity, they can't make all the schematics blatantly OP.
I am heading out for the rim past sag and keep going. I have an SRV aboard and have been harvesting materials for my trip. I have them if I need them. I will always have enough to make a boost back to safety if needed. no unnecessary risks required at that range. I have enough for level 1 and 2 boosts but nothing for level 3 boost yet. they great thing about it is you can stop and look where ever you are for more materials.
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