Perhaps my favourite new Horizons feature have so far been the jump spells - okay, FSD boosts - and using them to access systems that were beyond conventional FSD ranges before. However, looking at the explorer forums, I mostly see people discussing using them to reach Beagle Point in smaller-ranged ships. Looking in-game, I've seen maybe a handful of Commanders' tags on systems in the Deep. (I like to call the systems which can only be accessed with jumponium the Deep.) But then, I simply might have been at the wrong place(s) at the wrong time(s). So, I thought I'd ask here instead: who else is using the boosts to blaze new trails on the new frontiers?
Personally, I love how they change expeditions: you need to prepare your supplies, plan your routes carefully and need to weigh both. Then there's that feeling of excitement and slight dread when you do finally commit to diving in.
Also, show of hands: who else has ever used up more than half of their remaining boosts to get somewhere? And still made it back to sell the data and tell the tale?
Personally, I love how they change expeditions: you need to prepare your supplies, plan your routes carefully and need to weigh both. Then there's that feeling of excitement and slight dread when you do finally commit to diving in.
Also, show of hands: who else has ever used up more than half of their remaining boosts to get somewhere? And still made it back to sell the data and tell the tale?