why sell damaged kits?

bought the kit for the python, looks great in black. other colours not so. the kit looks dirty and paint is chipped. not what I would expect for a cash purchase!


unable to repair 3% paint.
it was black. new red paintjob.
just checked and changing the kit, all other bits are the same damaged :(
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Repair your paint specifically. Would be kind of an exploit if you could just repair it for free by switching paint jobs, or people would complain that they have to pay in the game to see their new paint jobs. Or would they? [weird] I'd kind of like that better, actually. The price is trivial anyway, and it does seem kind of odd that you keep the same degrade level when switching out paint jobs.

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unable to repair 3% paint.
it was black. new red paintjob.

That ship really needs a finishing touch to make it look totally chavtastic.

If only they'd allow us to put fluffy dice and a windscreen sticker that read "My other ship is a Conda".

Wait...we have one post saying the ship kit bits don't degrade and look off and another post saying the ship kit bits are degraded and look off? Must be Friday. ;)
Consider yourself lucky OP. It looks much stranger when you install a ship kit that doesn't have any scratches. Makes it look more tacked on and unnatural. This is what happened with the kit on several of the Anaconda paint jobs.
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