Will 2023 mark the end of new content for Evolution 2?

It's been a long run for the game. Around this time in Evolution's life cycle the game was winding down. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I have this feeling 2023 will mark the conclusion to new content for the game. Jurassic Park's 30th anniversary will happen later this year. I'm thinking the swan song for the game might be a DLC to tie into the anniversary. We might get one more DLC before that, maybe a dinosaur pack.

In a perfect world I would love the game to be supported for a couple more years, with new content in that time frame. But, all this is conjecture on my end. There is so much more potential left for this game. And I think the sales for DLC's support the fact that the game is making Frontier enough money to keep going. What do you all think?
This is a dumb question that can't be answered except by people who won't give an answer... the game ends when it ends... everything else is just baseless speculation.
I wouldn't say it is a dumb question, just speculation. But, I wouldn't say baseless. You just go by the history of the prior game and there is room to make some speculation.
It's been a long run for the game. Around this time in Evolution's life cycle the game was winding down. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I have this feeling 2023 will mark the conclusion to new content for the game. Jurassic Park's 30th anniversary will happen later this year. I'm thinking the swan song for the game might be a DLC to tie into the anniversary. We might get one more DLC before that, maybe a dinosaur pack.

In a perfect world I would love the game to be supported for a couple more years, with new content in that time frame. But, all this is conjecture on my end. There is so much more potential left for this game. And I think the sales for DLC's support the fact that the game is making Frontier enough money to keep going. What do you all think?
I agree in a perfect world we'd see new content going forward for years, like Planet Zoo. But this project is different from that. The developers are beholden to their producers, and the main goal of this game was to accompany this new Jurassic World series of films. With main mission accomplished, if I was a betting man, I'd say we will see perhaps one final free update, and one or two bug fix patches after that. Unfortunately, however much profit is indeed made based on DLCs doesn't necessarily equate to continued content. It may, however, increase Universal's confidence in future entries (this did great last time, so let's invest in a new game).

But who knows! :)
After watching Evolution Square's recent videos, it makes me nervous. Expansions for Mantah Corp and 1986 can make sense to add in animals like Microceratus and hopefully Tarbosaurus and Nothosaurus, but there is more potential for this game, so many more animals I really want to see like Deinocheirus, Protoceratops, Plateosaurus, Archelon for crying out loud. I know two of them are in Prehistoric Kingdom, but that's not for console. Yeah, and I'm still questioning how Planet Zoo is still going. Yes, I don't know how this would keep going without any upcoming movies or tv shows based on the franchise coming soon. What about the other proposed DLCs like Jurassic or Triassic you guys want to see, or a feathered dinosaur pack I've heard you guys theorize about or would that get old soon? I don't know how I'll feel if this ends the same way as the first game did and there'd be no more. I wasn't even expecting a third game soon. All this is reminding me of Disney Infinity when I thought we were at a highlight and then its cancellation was announced before we can see more development. I want to make a park with the dinosaurs I've loved in this game and the ones I want to see since the first game was coming.
After watching Evolution Square's recent videos, it makes me nervous. Expansions for Mantah Corp and 1986 can make sense to add in animals like Microceratus and hopefully Tarbosaurus and Nothosaurus, but there is more potential for this game, so many more animals I really want to see like Deinocheirus, Protoceratops, Plateosaurus, Archelon for crying out loud. I know two of them are in Prehistoric Kingdom, but that's not for console. Yeah, and I'm still questioning how Planet Zoo is still going. Yes, I don't know how this would keep going without any upcoming movies or tv shows based on the franchise coming soon. What about the other proposed DLCs like Jurassic or Triassic you guys want to see, or a feathered dinosaur pack I've heard you guys theorize about or would that get old soon? I don't know how I'll feel if this ends the same way as the first game did and there'd be no more. I wasn't even expecting a third game soon. All this is reminding me of Disney Infinity when I thought we were at a highlight and then its cancellation was announced before we can see more development. I want to make a park with the dinosaurs I've loved in this game and the ones I want to see since the first game was coming.
What she fails to explain in her video, and what virtually everybody I see online on the topic never explains, is why JWE1's DLC cycle ended when it did.

On November 24, 2021, an interview with JWE2's director Rich Newbold was published on American magazine Newsweek, explaining the game's modes and stories. On it, Newbold quotes: "Around the time we finished the "Return to Jurassic Park DLC" [for the first game] the team felt we had a great opportunity [to] tell some interesting narratives in the shape of a sequel." Meaning, around the time they finished the final JWE1 PDLC, the team moved on to develop JWE2 to explore more storytelling opportunities with Universal's collaboration. The article is linked below.

Afterall, JWE2 was a game they confirmed to have signed an IP license contract for as early as March 06 both in a number of public articles and their RNS reports you can directly search and find on their official Frontier Developments website, a site that I've used since 2019 during the JWE2 speculation chaos and what virtually everybody I've seen online never used as a source once on both topics. But that "major global IP game" wouldn't be known to be JWE2 for over two years until shortly after the game's announcement in June of 2021.

So, while this doesn't answer your question at all, not even a little, it should help you and everyone reading this understand more on why the DLC development cycle ended when it did and dull down any concerns one may have on the topic.
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Well if they stop adding content to Evolution 2 this year then this game was a complete let down. Evolution 1 had a better run than this game and felt much more diverse than its sequel...

There's so much more room for improvement and all they did was add Dino packs and add content for Dominion which was a sub-par movie at best. We desperately need more content for the previous movies and especially Jurassic Park era 100% needs new buildings/amenity designs to cater to each of the 3 films. Which they could just port from the previous game...!

The only things going for Evolution 2 by comparison was improved gameplay mechanics, Chaos Theory mode, Aviaries (although I preferred how they looked in Evolution 1) and the Lagoons which are just super constrictive/not at all flexible to play around with...
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Wasn't there a report that JWE2 will get PDLC (paid DLC) through CY (calendar year) 2023? If that were to be the case we will likely see the same type of announcements as last year: a PDLC every 3 months (2 dino packs and 2 expansions).

It is probable a CC creature pack pt2 on March (hopefully it is bigger and has one or two new maps and attractions) with QOL fixes besides the free Update, and in June a potential 30th anniversary Expansion celebration for the original film (Microceratus, JWE1 maps (minus Nublar 93 and 2015) as well Lockwood Manor (map and creatures) as seeing the initial park was started up thanks to the partnership).

The other two DLC can be dino packs and as for 2024 well, we will have to wait and see.
Why are you always so adamant to not have these two maps included? Lmao
Because we already have those two maps in JWE2, the one thing I can welcome would be Nublar 2018 (JWFK and JWCC) as the layout of the park is different than in JW 2015 (the lagoon got moved to much closer in the coast to allow the scene with the Mosa escaping). If a Nublar 1993 B adds zones from the first not seen in the first film then yeah, sometilhing that adds to what is there and not just repeated the same layout.
Wasn't there a report that JWE2 will get PDLC (paid DLC) through CY (calendar year) 2023? If that were to be the case we will likely see the same type of announcements as last year: a PDLC every 3 months (2 dino packs and 2 expansions).
There is an interim result report that does say that. It was published on Frontier Development's website seven days ago (January 19) under Investors on the main page linked below.

On it is a pdf and a video on the business report. Interim and annual reports are published on their website every January and September respectively. The video linked on the page talks a bit about Jurassic World Evolution 2 at 18:00 such as, but not limited to, how they had to market it without Dominion. But they basically go through and show the exact details the pdf shows as well, linked below.

The report says there is additional PDLC scheduled throughout CY[Calendar Year]2023.
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I think there should be a new jurassic world game

Fans wants horror game. Island survival game. Ane me i want dinosaurs survival game (path of titan/the isle style) those 3 gameplay fits jurassic park/world game very well. I think they should let go park build gameplay

I hope future jurassic games will use unreal engine 5 or future unreal engine

Since they can use movie render (it will automatically reduce for performance without loosing the detail)

epic games: Apparently, with Unreal Engine 5, artists will be able to import movie-level art directly into the engine, which will then be scaled in real-time, saving time that would be spent on adjusting them for performance and all without any loss in quality
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