Hardware & Technical Will I be able to play Elite?

Hi all,

I'm just looking for some advice before I splash out on the beta. I know this has been asked before on other threads so forgive me for asking again but the minimum spec for the game is suggesting quad core CPU. Is anyone playing on a similar spec as I've got (see below) and if so does it play?

CPU Athlon 64x2 4400+ 2.21GHz
Graphics Radeon HD 6450 1GB
Windows 7 64bit

Any advice would be great

One big part of me wants to say that you may want to consider a new build. If *may run on low. I'm not sure if it'll run on medium. It may but I don't think the FPS will be high or sustainable. The biggest hit will be frame rate depending what's on the screen. you have an much older AMD Athlon, which is only dual core. Still below the minimum. Also, the graphics card is dated as well. In cases where there are large battles, ships, I'm not sure you'd be able to get smooth frame rate.

It may run, but I wouldn't doubt if you would be able to get 40fps or more at 1080p. Which, you may also have to lower.

However, what I said is meaningless without a setup similar to yours.

I suggest you checkout: http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri and see for youself. It's a tad subjective but it will be give you a very close idea if it'll even run. It'll look at your specs and compare it to the requirements of the game.
Seriously, not everyone needs 40 fps @ 1080. With my rig (specs in sig) I'm hoping for 20 fps @ 766, should I ever buy the game.
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