World Map for Habitat Animals that are In-Game and some Wishlist Additions:

Habitat Animal Map:


Arctic Circle:
  1. Polar Bear
  2. Arctic Wolf
  3. Dall Sheep
  4. Arctic Fox
  5. Reindeer
  6. Musk Oxen
  7. Pacific Walrus
  8. Wolverine
  1. King Penguin
  2. Southern Rockhopper Penguin
  3. Chinstrap Penguin
  4. Gentoo Penguin
  5. Emperor Penguin
  6. Leopard Seal
  1. Harbour Seal
  2. Red Fox
  3. European Badger
  4. European Fallow Deer
  5. Eurasian Lynx
  6. Alpine Ibex
  7. European Brown Bear
  8. Red Deer
  9. Iberian Lynx
  10. Pyrenean Chamois
  11. Alpine Marmot
  12. Dalmatian Pelican
  13. European Roe Deer
  14. Wild Boar
  15. Western Capercaillie
  1. Himalayan Brown Bear
  2. Indian Peafowl
  3. Gharial
  4. Wild Water Buffalo
  5. Siberian Tiger
  6. Amur Leopard
  7. Japanese Macaque
  8. Red Crowned Crane
  9. Giant Panda
  10. Red Panda
  11. Chinese Pangolin
  12. Formosan Black Bear
  13. Indian Elephant
  14. Indian Rhinoceros
  15. Bengal Tiger
  16. Ussuri Dhole
  17. Clouded Leopard
  18. Sun Bear
  19. Binturong
  20. Bactrian Camel
  21. Przewalski's Horse
  22. Asian Small-Clawed Otter
  23. Malayan Tapir
  24. Siamang
  25. Bornean Orangutan
  26. Proboscis Monkey
  27. North Sulawesi Babirusa
  28. Komodo Dragon
  29. Saiga Antelope
  30. Markhor
  31. Japanese Serow
  32. Tanuki
  33. Siberian Musk Deer
  34. Pere David's Deer
  35. Pallas's Cat
  36. Chital Deer
  37. Asiatic Lion
  38. Arabian Oryx
  39. Dromedary Camel
  40. Nubian Ibex
  41. Gaur
  42. Lion Tailed Macaque
  43. Sambar Deer
  44. Sloth Bear
  45. Blackbuck
  46. Nilgai
  47. Fishing Cat
  48. Golden Snub Nosed Monkey
  49. Chinese Giant Salamander
  50. Sichuan Takin
  51. Francois Langur
  52. Northern White-Cheeked Gibbon
  53. Lar Gibbon
  54. Red Shanked Douc Langur
  55. Greater Mouse Deer
  56. Sumatran Tiger
  57. Sumatran Rhinoceros
  58. East Javan Langur
  59. Philippine Crocodile
  60. Visayan Warty Hog
  61. False Gharial
  62. Celebes Crested Macaque
  1. Red Kangaroo
  2. Koala
  3. Dingo
  4. Platypus
  5. Common Wombat
  6. Southern Cassowary
  7. Saltwater Crocodile
  8. Emu
  9. Red-Necked Wallaby
  10. Yellow-Footed Rock Wallaby
  11. Numbat
  12. Quokka
  13. Australian Sea Lion
  14. Little Penguin
  15. New Zealand Fur Seal
  16. North Island Brown Kiwi
  17. South Island Takahe
  18. Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo
  19. Short Beaked Echidna
  20. Tasmanian Devil
  21. Greater Bilby
  22. Perentie
  23. Black Swan
  24. Brolga
  25. Magpie Goose
  1. African Savannah Elephant
  2. Aardvark
  3. African Buffalo
  4. African Penguin
  5. African Wild Dog
  6. Aldabra Giant Tortoise
  7. Black Wildebeest
  8. Black & White Ruffed Lemur
  9. Bonobo
  10. Bongo
  11. Cheetah
  12. Common Ostrich
  13. Common Warthog
  14. Gemsbok
  15. Greater Flamingo
  16. Hippopotamus
  17. Mandrill
  18. Meerkat
  19. Nile Lechwe
  20. Nile Monitor
  21. Nyala
  22. Okapi
  23. Plains Zebra
  24. Pygmy Hippopotamus
  25. Red Ruffed Lemur
  26. Reticulated Giraffe
  27. Ring Tailed Lemur
  28. Sable Antelope
  29. Scimitar Horned Oryx
  30. Southern White Rhinoceros
  31. Spotted Hyena
  32. Springbok
  33. Thomson's Gazelle
  34. West African Lion
  35. Western Chimpanzee
  36. Western Lowland Gorilla
  37. Serval
  38. Bontebok
  39. Kirk's Dik-Dik
  40. Southern Gerenuk
  41. Helmeted Guineafowl
  42. Bat Eared Fox
  43. Eastern Black Rhinoceros
  44. Vervet Monkey
  45. East African Grey Crowned Crane
  46. Coquerel's Sifaka
  47. Fossa
  48. Aye-Aye
  49. Radiated Tortoise
  50. Ring-Tailed Vontsira
  51. West African Slender Snouted Crocodile
  52. Yellow Backed Duiker
  53. Shoebill
  54. Nile Crocodile
  55. Wolf's Guenon
  56. Mantled Guereza
  57. Masai Giraffe
  58. Blue Wildebeest
  59. Banded Mongoose
  60. Impala
  61. Topi
  62. Grevy's Zebra
  63. Klipspringer
  64. Somali Wild Donkey
  65. Gelada
  66. Rock Hyrax
  67. Common Dwarf Mongoose
  68. Hamadryas Baboon
  69. Caracal
  70. Striped Hyena
  71. Sand Cat
  72. Honey Badger
  73. Aoudad
  74. Barbary Macaque
  75. African Crested Porcupine
  76. Addax
  77. African Spurred Tortoise
  78. Sitatunga
  79. Dama Gazelle
  80. Secretary Bird
  81. Allen's Swamp Monkey
  82. African White-Bellied Tree Pangolin
  83. Red River Hog
  84. De Brazza's Monkey
  85. African Leopard
  86. African Dwarf Crocodile
Central and South America:
  1. Jaguar
  2. Colombian White Faced Capuchin Monkey
  3. Giant Anteater
  4. Llama
  5. Giant Otter
  6. Cuvier's Dwarf Caiman
  7. Capybara
  8. Spectacled Caiman
  9. Baird's Tapir
  10. Galapagos Giant Tortoise
  11. Southern Pudu
  12. Patagonian Mara
  13. Large Hairy Armadillo
  14. Chacoan Peccary
  15. Humboldt Penguin
  16. Greater Rhea
  17. Maned Wolf
  18. Bush Dog
  19. Andean Bear
  20. Black Howler Monkey
  21. South American Coati
  22. Red Rumped Agouti
  23. Tufted Capuchin
  24. Common Squirrel Monkey
  25. Kinkajou
  26. Ocelot
  27. Geoffroy's Spider Monkey
  28. American Flamingo
  29. West Indian Manatee
  30. White-Nosed Coati
  31. Northern Tamandua
  32. Collared Peccary
  33. Giant Armadillo
  34. South American Tapir
  35. Orinoco Crocodile
North America:
  1. American Alligator
  2. American Bison
  3. Black Tailed Prairie Dog
  4. Cougar
  5. Pronghorn
  6. California Sea Lion
  7. North American Beaver
  8. Raccoon
  9. Striped Skunk
  10. Moose
  11. Timber Wolf
  12. Grizzly Bear
  13. Nine Banded Armadillo
  14. Northern Elephant Seal
  15. American Badger
  16. Burrowing Owl
  17. Greater Roadrunner
  18. Black Footed Ferret
  19. Wild Turkey
  20. Red Wolf
  21. Southern Sea Otter
  22. Steller Sea Lion
  23. Mountain Goat
  24. Bighorn Sheep
  25. Elk
  26. Bobcat
  27. North American Porcupine
  28. American Red Squirrel
  29. Eastern Grey Squirrel
  30. Ringtail
  31. Virginia Opossum
  32. North American River Otter
  33. North American Black Bear
  34. Coyote
  35. Canada Goose
  36. White Tailed Deer
  37. Brown Pelican
  38. Atlantic Harbour Seal
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