Parks World Wonder Project

Hey all,

Brand new user to the forums here - but longtime player. Having been involved heavily in RCT2 games/forums in the past, this is my first real foray into the Planet Coaster World (now that I have a laptop than can handle it easily)

This is a park I'm currently working on, and having an absolute blast. Of course, the recently announced Adventure pack would have been great to have at the start of this, but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless! All content in this park is made by me without the use of workshop blueprints.


A bit of the main walkway. Still a bit of detailing to do, and the monuments in the background are still more or less placeholders.


Tortoise exhibit!


These guys were not fun to build, but came out pretty decently. Very unfinished screen.


Overview of the Nile River Rapids and amphitheatre area. Still have a lot to clean up around here, but progress has been steady.


Another overview of the area. Really proud of how the theatre is turning out.


Park progress so far.

Comments and feedback are appreciated! I've been video recording my progress, so I will compile some building videos for YouTube soon.

Really expecting my progress to continue at a good pace, as I live and work on a cruise ship and am able to play PC in my cabin during my breaks - which has given me plenty of time to focus on building!.

- Josh
Great looking park! As if the new Adventure pack already was out. [happy]
How did you do the Egyptian statues?
Häh ... I think the Adventure Pack should be released on next monday .... how did you get it earlier ??? [wink][wink][wink]

Looks amazing, I'm sure it will look perfect with the new package.
This is a great start. Any idea on other themed lands you could bring to the park?

Truly appreciate the kind words.

I am planning on including an Indian /Asian area as well. (Taj Majal, Ankgor Wat, etc). Then move along into the more traditional Japanese (shrines) and Chinese (Great Wall, Great Buddah, etc).

Then if all goes as planned, I'll include some more African areas, and a South American (Chichen Itza, temples, etc) area as well.

Just downloaded the Adventure Pack a few minutes ago, so let's see what happens!
Hey all!

Just posting another update to this project. I've been having a blast working on a new section of the park. Still going on with the African theme before moving on to other 'lands'. I'm really enjoying the new Adventure pack, and am trying to integrate the new animatronic animals as well as I can.


Underwater Hippo Viewing Area! This took a bit of time to get right, but it turned out pretty solid in the end. I hid a vista point in the glass wall so that guests will walk up to it and take photos of the hippos.


Another shot highlighting this area. Really focusing on trying to create seamless transitions between areas and thinking of ways to have them interact.


A small snack bar area near the hippos.


An overhead shot of the hippo exhibit. The roof took quite a while to perfect, but I think it turned out really well!


You can see a bit more of the area from this angle. Obviously a lot to do on the coaster and bumper car building at the bottom. Here's also a sneak peek at the crocodile exhibit.


Overview of the park so far. Once I finish up the left side (animal exhibits, bumper cars), I'll move in to the coaster station area, and then the waterfront (docks, boats, etc). Then the entrance train station and plaza before moving to other 'lands'.

Hope you all enjoy!

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