Considering where fdev was taking the war, wouldn't it have made more sense revenue wise and player enjoyment wise to have released a new AX ship for ARX roughly 2 - 3 months ago? Instead of the medium cargo ship nobody asked for? Maybe before the exploration ship?
I'd love to see something like a chief or challenger mk2 with enough distro and hard points for 4x modshards. SCO enhanced. Maybe with an AX focused perk of core sensors that can scan thargoids? Maybe put that redrawn map of our understanding of thermodynamics in to an AX ship that can stay much cooler while firing guardian weapons?
I would have bought this.. like instantly. Especially with the timing of Cocijo and the invasion of Sol.
I'd love to see something like a chief or challenger mk2 with enough distro and hard points for 4x modshards. SCO enhanced. Maybe with an AX focused perk of core sensors that can scan thargoids? Maybe put that redrawn map of our understanding of thermodynamics in to an AX ship that can stay much cooler while firing guardian weapons?
I would have bought this.. like instantly. Especially with the timing of Cocijo and the invasion of Sol.