You know what would be awesome....

Limpets that weren't lemmings. They seriously should be called lemmings, not limpets. These things are coded so stupid that I don't understand how in four years Frontier hasn't apparently even bothered to fix them. Oh its cool, they can code rocks to "bump" off an asteroid rotating at 1582341672382374235683241687 RPM and then magically get stuck INSIDE the asteroid so you .8 million dollar chunk of LTD is effectively nothing more than a lemming limpet trap that destroys 47 limpets before you realize why all your collectors are apparently suicide on the asteroid.

Even further infuriating. Here we are. In the distant future. I can press 1 button and jump 70 light years to the next uncharted star system...... BUT I CANT AUTOMATICALLY MATCH THE SPIN OF AN ASTEROID?!

At least TRY to add something regarding sensibility to the "game". Guess what man, manually trying to match the spin of the asteroid is fun for like 7 seconds. After that, its annoying af. And oh by the way, it's even MORE annoying, because collector lemmings would rather suicide on said rock ad infinity but for some magical reason, you can't code the chunks to bounce off said spinning rock to a safe distance so these idiotic collectors can actually collect them.

Seriously, this game still has so many FUNCTIONAL gameplay problems and yet you insist on apparently, spending ALL of your development time nerfing EVERY single way players find to make money.

GUESS WHAT FRONTIER!!! No one gives a , about credits in this game. Even without credits, it's still a HUGE GRIND. Go open this character for blueprints then farm this resource then fly here then do it again. How about, instead of nerfing everything that makes the already asinine grind, well, asinine, JUST FIX EASY STUFF LIKE COLLECTOR LIMPETS!

rant off
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a small fragment generated from a fibonacci sequence that has poor collision detection
give me a team of three for a year or two and the cobra engine developers tool and I might be able to debug and sort that single error!
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This game kind of disproves the existence of heaven.
I'm chuckling, but I'm not even joking.

This game is deliberately frustrating. They make it annoying to keep people playing, because only that way you get a sense of achievement out of it.
If everything were ergonomic and would make sense (x) and were straight forward and fun, people would rush through the content, enjoy it for a day or two and then get bored and play something else.
Game developers need to find that perfect balance of making a game just the right amount of ty to keep people invested.

What that does have to do with heaven?
It proves the human mind isn't built for too much contentment, let alone eternal bliss.

We need negative stimulus and the feeling of overcoming adversity and everything that is too good, gets boring quick.

All of that said though, it is worthy of criticism when game developers ignore bugs and glitches and leave problems with their game to the community to fix, while they invest all their time and effort into churning out new content that can be sold, instead of improving the already sold stuff.

(x): Not being able to automatically match the rotation of an asteroid is one of the smallest things when it comes to what makes sense and what doesn't.

Does it make sense that they have faster than light communication, yet they need couriers, even to send data from one station to another in the same system?
Does it make sense that cruise ships broadcast their internal passenger announcements to the whole system?
Does it make sense that you need to land on a space station to figure out what goods they are selling and for what price?
Does it make sense that you need to buy a after market auto pilot for your space ship and that that autopilot takes up the same space as half a SRV hangar?
Does it make sense that you can fit economy, business and first class cabins (CABINS, not seats) for 90 passengers in a Python, which, judging from the size of the cockpit, would barely fit a 2-bunk-cabin for the pilot and co-pilot with a bathroom?
Does it make sense that in a world where every ship jumping in to a system them starts from the central star, the space stations wouldn't be aligned in a way to make arrival easier, but instead always seem to face the most inconvenient directions?
Does it make sense that planets always slow you down, no matter whether you fly past them or towards them?
Does anything about the Mass Locking system make sense?

I could go on, of course, but you get the point.

None of this makes any sense in a real life or simulation context.

Under a very thin "space enthusiast simulation"-veneer, this is one of the most "gamey" games I ever played.
It is about as realistic and immersive as a 16 bit era Jump and Run game.

Everything is only there for gameplay's sake and to manipulate the player in one way or the other.
I feel like a lab rat in an experiment none of the researchers gives a about and nobody records the results anymore, every time I play this game.
Limpets that weren't lemmings. They seriously should be called lemmings, not limpets. These things are coded so stupid that I don't understand how in four years Frontier hasn't apparently even bothered to fix them. Oh its cool, they can code rocks to "bump" off an asteroid rotating at 1582341672382374235683241687 RPM and then magically get stuck INSIDE the asteroid so you .8 million dollar chunk of LTD is effectively nothing more than a lemming limpet trap that destroys 47 limpets before you realize why all your collectors are apparently suicide on the asteroid.

Even further infuriating. Here we are. In the distant future. I can press 1 button and jump 70 light years to the next uncharted star system...... BUT I CANT AUTOMATICALLY MATCH THE SPIN OF AN ASTEROID?!

At least TRY to add something regarding sensibility to the "game". Guess what man, manually trying to match the spin of the asteroid is fun for like 7 seconds. After that, its annoying af. And oh by the way, it's even MORE annoying, because collector lemmings would rather suicide on said rock ad infinity but for some magical reason, you can't code the chunks to bounce off said spinning rock to a safe distance so these idiotic collectors can actually collect them.

Seriously, this game still has so many FUNCTIONAL gameplay problems and yet you insist on apparently, spending ALL of your development time nerfing EVERY single way players find to make money.

GUESS WHAT FRONTIER!!! No one gives a poopoo, about credits in this game. Even without credits, it's still a HUGE GRIND. Go open this character for blueprints then farm this resource then fly here then do it again. How about, instead of nerfing everything that makes the already asinine grind, well, asinine, JUST FIX EASY STUFF LIKE COLLECTOR LIMPETS!

rant off
You're not fair towards them lemmings. They've never been neither stupid, nor suicidal. It's a myth created by Disney:

So.. you wasted all that time and resources for 1 chunk of LTD? I would have moved on after two limpets died on me.. If its not all about the money.
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