You might be able to exploit leaf credits from visiting players

So I'm not 100% sure on this but I had a zoo with a visitor and I clicked to say hello for the 20 conservation credits. Right after that I need to go back to the main menu and reloaded again right away. When I came back there was still a visiting player and I'm pretty sure it was the same one. I clicked again for the 20 credits to say hello.

I haven't repeatedly tested this but it seems it might be possible you can just save/reload over and over to keep getting 20 credits for this same character. Anyone tested this extensively?
So I'm not 100% sure on this but I had a zoo with a visitor and I clicked to say hello for the 20 conservation credits. Right after that I need to go back to the main menu and reloaded again right away. When I came back there was still a visiting player and I'm pretty sure it was the same one. I clicked again for the 20 credits to say hello.

I haven't repeatedly tested this but it seems it might be possible you can just save/reload over and over to keep getting 20 credits for this same character. Anyone tested this extensively?

There is a limit on how many times you can greet players a day but this might be a way to go around it, I wouldn't know, might wanna test that in sandbox so you don't get in trouble and then report it if it is indeed exploitable.
I tried it, because I have little few leaves as it is
But I only greeted two players :(
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