Game Discussions Star Ship Simulator

Are there many ppl here who have downloaded and play the Demo ?
I'll be DL it soon and if it plays as well as the vids and tutorial show, I may KS it.
Have a nice day

Play the demo on Steam - it is excellent (and of course free).

Do the first "tutorial / training" thingie and you learn how to navigate and fly the ship. Run the second one if you want to go through the cold & dark power up - to show you the extent and detail of the ship systems (you need not do that one). Wander round the ship, marvel at the NPCs working away in Engineering, play the piano in the lounge, see where Admiral Cluck Norris has wandered to (hint, he never goes in the Jefferies tubes), play with the bridge lighting to have a disco, and much more to find. It is hard to appreciate that this is the work of just one guy so far.

The demo on steam is due to be expanded soon I believe, at the moment it is incomplete and so far Steve seems not to be in the demo.

BTW the kickstarter exceeded £400K
Are there many ppl here who have downloaded and play the Demo ?
I'll be DL it soon and if it plays as well as the vids and tutorial show, I may KS it.
Have a nice day
I played the demo. Did the cold start procedure. That was new and pretty interesting. It gives you a small peak into the inner workings. Once complete it should give an engineer geek things to do. Then I took a short trip to Sirius and back. The need to use different posts on the bridge to get going was refreshing. The starship atmosphere is very convincing. It really does capture the Trek vibe. They are nailing it.
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