Any chance you could just...not reset the Thargoid War timers weekly?

Prior to the announcement, things looked pretty bleak. Massive Thargoid invasion well beyond our capacity, heavy losses inevitable, but it was a fighting retreat. Slightly blunting the invasion in the hopes that we'd be able to turn the tides later on, maybe. It was really cool.

Now, it turns out that there is no long-term effort. Systems will take multiple weeks to fall, but unless the countereffort can be completed in a single week, it didn't happen. Zero progress. Any time spent by players that did not clear a system within a single week is wasted time, objectively. Nothing the playerbase did this week counted for anything.

Gimballed multicannons aren't going to solve this. This is an issue completely seperate from the difficulty or size of the response needed. Before the announcement, players were fighting in a near hopeless situation in the hopes that their efforts would change that eventually. We were gonna take losses but surely it'd be better than nothing, right? Resetting the timers means that's not true.

It's really bad game design. I'm sure it was intended to encourage people to coordinate on a few specific systems, but that's what people were doing. Even if the numbers are adjusted, the resetting timers mean that the penalty for suboptimal tactics is 100%. That's a bit harsh. There's no chance of specific playergroups slowly making progress in regions they care about, the entire Thargoid War may as well not matter outside of the one specific system that AXI picks. And there's no guarantee that your efforts would matter even then, and now it's a vicious cycle.

If the timers don't reset weekly, then our efforts to engage with this new content will matter. A player puts in an hour of time, progress is made, slowly or quickly with or without other players. If the timers do reset weekly, then no matter what number tweaks are applied to the targets, it's extremely likely that players are repeatedly going to have their progress deleted, which is incredibly unintuitive and demoralising. It's the difference between the war going badly because we're facing an extremely powerful and angry foe that we brought on ourselves, and the war going badly because the playerbase almost hitting a weekly target is equal to the playerbase not logging in at all.

Zero progress in the first week, like not even a single person showed up. Something is very wrong.
I'm not sure it's necessarily that bad - Alert and Control states only have a one week timer, so we need to be able to win those in a week anyway. If the thresholds had been set so that we could e.g. win 10-15 of the 80 systems in a week (which would still be a major disaster in terms of the overall war), then a weekly reset on the Invasion states (like Alert and Control have anyway) also adds in some mid-week and late-week decisions: where is already high enough that it could go over the line with a strong push, where should just be abandoned until next week.

The problem is that the thresholds are so high that even combining our entire actions into a single system probably wouldn't have won it. Even if they did carry over ... what, we'd still be preventing no Alerts, retaking no systems, and stopping three Invasions out of hundreds over the course of the first two months? That might as well be the same as now for all the difference it makes.

Now they have an idea of what the thresholds actually mean, they should know it's entirely safe to knock a zero off the end, and at that point it becomes a lot more practical to fight back locally (but we'll still be getting completely steamrollered in the overall war, which is as it should be right now)

(I'd have had progress rollover as well for Invasions, but I think if the thresholds had been - by some massive stroke of luck! - right in the first place, we'd have grumbled a little about finding this out now rather than earlier in the week, and just carried on)
(I'd have had progress rollover as well for Invasions, but I think if the thresholds had been - by some massive stroke of luck! - right in the first place, we'd have grumbled a little about finding this out now rather than earlier in the week, and just carried on)
Oh yeah, I agree. Frontier can keep the resetting timers and tweak the numbers to account for them, and that's probably what they're gonna do, but it could be so much better if they tweaked the numbers to account for more permanent progress. Treating the cause rather than the symptoms, or whatever.
The problem I see is that all efforts would need to be coordinated outside of the game, therefore players not belonging to some larger communities are left out.
There's absolutely no point in doing anything yourself after weekly reset, because you might be betting wrong horse and working on system doomed to fail that week due to low player participation. Only after about two days you might be able to judge where your efforts might be better used, but even then you're risking that all your work will be for nothing.

Maybe that's the idea - to promote this kind of community steered game - because it's either joining some big group and doing what someone out there decides, or having no impact at all. I'm not sure what I think about it. At the moment I feel rather demotivated.
They should try something similar with a CG, after day 1 post a loljk you have a week to do it, as in 7 attempts do get it done in one day.
How do we know this isn't the case with the 8 week CG that's about to finish, maybe we just didn't ask? ;)

Anyway I've said a lot about the reset stuff being bad from the players perspective in the clarification thread and I think at this point it's really on them to explain the intent behind it or just justify the mechanic more somehow if the Thargoid BGS would really just fall apart without it.
I would just like to add after a week of transporting evacuees
Jump to system get hyperdicted jumping into the invaded system every time
super cruising to port to rescue said evacuees, being interdicted by thargoids
Landing at port under attack, spending five minutes accepting missions
Plotting route to rescue megaship
7 jumps to rescue megaship, dealing with pirate interdictions
arriving in the megaship system, deal with more pirates
land on megaship spending up to 15mins battling with a UI that will not let you choose a reward (only if all missions completed).
then plot route back to system that is under invasion.
Rinse and repeat.
Now after spending many hours in game and all the effort I have put in is not going to be recognised after a week is just wrong.
If it states 2wk 6days before infestation. that is how long you should have to complete the tasks, and not reset every week.
Should this get reset I will not be doing it a second week.
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Operation Ida pulling out. These people are actually insane and even they aren't interested.
'Clarification' is certainly a relevant word. Although, 'stupid' is probably also hovering in the background right now.

Been packing in the rescue missions over the last few days, so it's nice to know that it's contributing something to the war effort... :rolleyes:
Wow. Just … WOW … I didn’t see the announcement originally but have read it now … can’t believe this is how it was intended to work … I mean, it looked hard before but this is just impossible?

I’ve been running a few rescue missions and CZs in Obassi Osaw. Bumped into a few other CMDRs last night doing the same. Progress was way slow but, I thought, “maybe we’ll make a dent in a few weeks?” … I guess that pointless now.

Bubble is done for.
Probably the easiest thing they could do is take all the progress people have made, and roll it over into progress against the Maelstrom itself. That way they could keep their existing mechanics but still preserve player progress. They wouldn't even need to add actual code to calculate things just yet, they could just throw up a jpeg with a progress bar set to an arbitrary point. That would give them several weeks to actually put the necessary systems in place, and when it finally switches over from manual to automatic, nobody would even be able to tell the difference.

Progress on the Maelstrom could then apply universally to all systems around that particular maelstrom, making them easier to defend on future weeks. At first the effects would be fairly minimal, But as time passed, we could eventually weaken it to the point where we could actually defend systems in a single week. As a matter of fact, having the time pressure would make achieving that goal even more fun.

And if players get a little bit too close to beating a particular one, you could have a Maelstrom drop in to support another one. Suddenly it becomes something like four times as powerful, and players have to change their focus to the other ones for a little while.

The biggest thing is not making players feel like their efforts are meaningless. I've been telling players that they should be out there killing scouts because anything makes a difference, but if it doesn't, I'll have to start telling them that they should just avoid it until they can cooperate and participate in group events that have a chance to actually do anything.
Well, thanks FDEV for the big kick to the sack.

I have spent the week fighting and rescuing people in HIP 23716.. doing my part to help out, and now it's all just gone. Many bugs killed, thousands of people evacuated and yeah.. it was fun, and I have that to hang onto but it was otherwise all just completely worthless.

We got the bar to almost 50% but now it goes back to zero? Why is all the punishment on the players? No.. we didn't stop the advance in one week.. but the Thargoids also failed to take the system in one week. Why in the world would the system go back to total Thargoid Control? We fought to a stalemate in week 1 but only the players get punished? What a ridiculous way to run an event. All the Thargoids have to do is hold the bar under 100% for 1 week and they automatically win? This is supposed to be fun? I think FDEV is under the impression that they have hundreds of thousands of players instead of the reality which is it's more like 10's of thousands. I am going to join the other commanders and abandon the fight.. it was fun while it lasted, but I don't appreciate just having my time count for nothing.
I think what distresses me most is that here and on Discord all of the discussion is about timers and counters and game mechanics when we should be talking about systems that were lost, which ones were nearly saved due to heroic efforts of groups of pilots, where the next attack might occur, and stories like "wow ... I just barely escaped that last interdiction but I saved nearly a hundred refugees".

I honestly don't care about the mechanics of the simulation. If a weekly reset is the decision, then just don't tell us about it. Let us think we are making progress, even if its only in our imagination.

They built up a really wonderful narrative a week ago, which many players new and old have latched on to, but they just tore it down for the whole community by letting us know the mechanics of how the simulation is being managed. This should never have been announced to the players.
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