[FEDERATION] Answer Winters' call to aid the outer worlds! (rescue/research/AX group)



"The Thargoid fleets emerging from the Maelstroms have inflicted anguish and loss on millions. ... These are our neighbours, our trading partners, our historic cousins. Their populations cry out for help. ... Before long, nowhere within the Federation will be safe." - Shadow President Felicia Winters.

As ever, Winters' calls to action ring true. Following her ethos of providing aid to those in need, Orange Alert* is a new group aiming to reflect the humanitarian values synonymous with the Winters pledge. When disaster calls, and pilots are compelled to help, this group facilitates those who wish to, to do so not just as individuals, but to organise their operations under a Winters banner. From finding a wing, to pushing a big op, this is a place to do it.

Currently this could be through rescue and relief operations in systems under attack to save them from Thargoid control, be they Federal or Independent. OP is experienced and active in coordinating such ops and studying Thargoid war tactics. But in this galaxy there's always a new peril around the corner, we must always be prepared for new challenges.

Members of squadrons and individual pilots equally welcome. Interest in powerplay as a feature not required. The idea is that pilots can participate alongside their usual activities, whatever level of commitment they're comfortable with, as and when the urge arises.

An accompanying facet of our approach could involve research - study of the Thargoid war mechanics, firing research limpets under fire:), or research of any kind, to understand challenges faced, and to innovate.

Combat pilots who wish to form an AX corps for the current crisis are welcome. The combination of AX defence and hauling power has proven a very effective way to protect systems.

Although a Federal organisation under a Winters banner, welcoming secondees of other pledge/superpower allegiance (or none) is not ruled out. Calamity is no respecter of human politics.

Humanity is in a dire emergency right now, but this affords an opportunity to forge something new, for the good, that carries Winters' values throughout the bubble, through the current crisis and beyond!

*The name reflects the Winters colour scheme, also the galmap colour for Thargoid invasions (there also may be a wee cult pop culture reference in there :)).
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I'm still training
Oh it's not all about Thargoids, it's for any disaster that befalls humanity, or even - if we ever come to peaceful terms - alien races. For instance, should Kumo Burger ever fall short on meat supply, people going hungry, I'm sure we could assist finding sustainable alternatives 👍. I believe the Antal family do a delicious line in plant-based:D.
Others did the lion's share but having 4 Cmdrs from [Or] on the Inara conflict front page at Senocidi (saved from invasion today) was nice - and well done to two of ours who made the top 20! Also good to work alongside Orion Spur Federal Association (OSFA), a Federal initiative on the home front.

We move on to the alert at HIP 20850.
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We're pushing the alert at Asletae this week. 20% progress at this point - all assistance welcome! All we need is a critical mass to get the community to notice and pile in.
Well, this time we did do the lion's share, going it alone in the first instance. But we were only able to get it to 58% progress by the reset, sadly. Hopefully though the rally of support we caused by the end of the week will last into the invasion weeks and we'll see a push to complete it!
Well, this time we did do the lion's share, going it alone in the first instance. But we were only able to get it to 58% progress by the reset, sadly. Hopefully though the rally of support we caused by the end of the week will last into the invasion weeks and we'll see a push to complete it!
Seems this was right - Asletae was pushed to the top of the list and taken on by MODE and AXI, finishing early!
Orange Alert pilots have been using orange ship liveries and the tag [Or] in their ship name. If you see these pilots flip them an o7! All pilots that want to run under a Winters flag while doing rescue or AX operations are welcome use the same tag/livery combo. Show what Winters' values stand for!


End of OA rescue shift for Jementi at Tarach Tor yesterday. Many lives were taken out of the firing line, some were lost to the clutches of Scythes....

We're focusing on traditional gameplay and ignoring the meta at this point.
With the grim news of what seems to have befallen these human abductees from Thargoid attacked systems, we are looking for maelstrom veterans to help us prepare for deep dives into the Titans' nests. And anyone else willing to brave those depths to extract what humanity we can from whatever horror lies at the end of their incarceration.
With the grim news of what seems to have befallen these human abductees from Thargoid attacked systems, we are looking for maelstrom veterans to help us prepare for deep dives into the Titans' nests. And anyone else willing to brave those depths to extract what humanity we can from whatever horror lies at the end of their incarceration.
Let me know if the AXI can do anything to help, we're preparing to rescue humans as we await Sirius' miracle tool.
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